Gael Linn!
I received my copy of the magazine 'Comhar' recently (May 2023), and I noticed that it was a special issue, commemorating the seventy years since Gael Linn was founded in May 1953.
May Day!
On Lá Bealtaine (the 1st of May), it dawned on me that I didn't really know what was behind that great Celtic festival in Ireland.
Mitchell's Speech!
More than 27 years ago, many people began to work hard together for a few years, day after day attempting to find a workable solution to the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
I'm home
The story of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, is the story of thousands of Irish-Americans, and he articulated that story with passion and love for his motherland on his visit to Ireland.
A Season of Hope
A reawakening is happening everywhere we look. The plants are recovering from the long winter sleep. Fresh leaves are sprouting vibrantly on the trees and bushes.
Suggestions for the next Pandemic!
Last week I mentioned five lessons we learned from the pandemic. In this article, I have recommendations so that we are prepared to deal with the next pandemic.