Sycamore Row…Grisham…
An séú húrscéal is fiche ón Máistir.Sycamore Grisham.........£19.99.(This week we take a look at John Grisham’s 26th...
The Confession by John Grisham.
I mBéal an PhobailPeadar Bairéad.(This week, the Irish Column reviews“The Confession” by John Grisham).Úrscéal corraitheach eileLeabhar nua eile ó...
The Storytellers Daughter. Saira Shah.
I m B é a l a n P h o b a i l .****************************.The Storyteller’s Daughter.......Return to a Lost...
Úrscéalaí den scoth
Urscéalaí den scoth..The Associate......................céadchló..............2009leJohn...
A i l l e a c h t a n t S a o i l s e o 6
.I mBéal an PhobailÁilleacht an tSaoil seo 6Peadar BairéadPearse not discouragedNíor chuir tada aon lagmhisneach ar an...
Á i l l e a c h t a n t S a o i l s e o 7
féith an ghrinn, sense of humour; ag luí leis an bhfírinne, being true; scáile an bháis, the shadow of death; snáthaidí móra, dragon-flies; spraoi,...