Intleacht Shaorga Ghiniúnach!

Generative Artificial Intelligence

According to experts on the subject, artificial intelligence (AI) will reach a point, soon enough, where the machines will be more powerful than their creators. Undoubtedly, the power of AI is increasing faster and faster and the technology is just starting out! Like it or not, AI will play a central role in our lives before long.

When we think of IS, it seems that we think of robots and machines. Although we are correct, it is essentially software. When you run AI software on the distributed computing system called the Cloud, that forms a very powerful platform. AI software uses algorithms to process data located on the internet, to make decisions without any human intervention. The AI branch called Generative AI generates images, text - including poetry, music and artwork.

As a new field of AI, Generative AI is developing rapidly. There are now products online that allow users to try Generative AI for themselves, for free. One organization is responsible for that – OpenAI.


OpenAI was started in San Francisco in 2015 as a non-profit organization. In 2019, however, OpenAI partnered with Microsoft. Microsoft invested $1 billion in it at that time, and they are thinking of investing 10 billion soon. Microsoft intends to integrate Generative AI with their search engine, Bing (similar to Google).

In 2020, OpenAI announced GPT-3, a language model trained on trillions of words from the internet. In 2021, OpenAI released DALL-E, a deep learning neural network that can generate digital images from textual descriptions.

Around December 2022, OpenAI received widespread media coverage after they launched a free preview of ChatGPT, their new chat bot. According to OpenAI, over a million people logged in in the first week.

DALL-E and ChatGPT

You can create images with DALL-E and create text with ChatGPT.

I asked DALL-E to create a picture of 'a clock in the desert in the style of the artist Salvador Dali', and DALL-E drew some amazing computer generated images that were all very interesting. I recommend you try DALL-E. There is an app available for your smartphone, and you will have a lot of fun playing with it.

When I asked the question "do many people speak Irish?" on ChatGPT, part of its response was as follows (with a few corrections):

"Many people speak Irish in this country, where the language was a living language before. Irish is the official language in this country and it is also being used as a language of education in some schools and as a spoken language in some areas of the country, including the Gaeltacht areas."

I suggest you try ChatGPT as well. Go to the site and you will be able to use it for free!

Advantages and Disadvantages

We need to discuss the pros and cons of Generative AI. Undoubtedly, it is a controversial topic. On the one hand, this technology puts powerful new tools in our hands, to help us in new ways that were not available before. Writers, artists, musicians and the like will be able to quickly create comprehensive frameworks using Generative AI, and will be able to spend more time in creative thinking!

On the other hand, there are great challenges to be solved because of important issues. It will be difficult for the law to keep up with the rapid pace of technology. Because Generative AI relies on the data available on the internet – data of all kinds both good and bad, the system is fundamentally biased as a result. Basically, this system is unable to distinguish between high quality and poor quality data. There are also issues of copyright, intellectual property and plagiarism of other people's work. Perhaps even worse, cybercriminals will be able to use technology to commit more sophisticated cybercrime online.


Whether we like it or not, there is no stopping the development of this revolutionary technology. We need to reduce any negative impact as much as possible. We will have to implement new rules and regulations to do that, both nationally and internationally.

In my opinion, when Generative AI is used correctly, new miraculous abilities are placed in our hands, abilities that will improve year after year.



Géarchéim Feantanil!

Fentanyl Crisis!

The story of Alexander Neville

Alexander Neville was only 14 years old, when he sat his parents down at the kitchen table at home in Aliso Viejo in California. He told them he was throwing away Oxycontin pills he bought on Snapchat. Oxycontin is an opiate analgesic, a medication used to relieve acute pain. Purdue Pharmaceutical developed that painkiller in the nineties. They claimed it was a non-addictive drug, even though they knew that wasn't true at all. Many people became addicted to it, and thus began the opiate crisis in the United States. The crisis worsened year after year, and in 2016, 42,000 people died from an opiate overdose, of which an estimated 40% were prescription drugs.

"The drug has a hold on me, and I don't know why," Alexander told his parents.

Alexander's mother immediately contacted a drug rehabilitation program and was waiting to hear back from them. The next morning, when his mother went to Alexander's bedroom to wake him up, he wasn't breathing and his skin was purple. His parents called the emergency medical services and he was taken to hospital. At ten o'clock on June 23, 2020, he was pronounced dead. 

Later in the day, a drug task force came to the house, and they said that Alexander's death was not caused by Oxycontin, but by a synthetic drug called Fentanyl. Alexander's parents were completely confused then, because Alexander took an Oxycontin pill, and there is no Fentanyl in that pill. What was going on?

Fake pills

His parents discovered that there are many counterfeit pills on sale, which contain Fentanyl. The drug dealers put Fentanyl - a very strong, and inexpensive drug – in the pills. But often enough, they overdose on Fentanyl and that's not a good thing. Fentanyl is twice as strong as morphine and it only takes 2 mg of Fentanyl to kill someone. It is estimated that the pills that are sold illegally contain at least that amount of Fentanyl. 107 thousand people died of drug overdose in 2021 in the United States, and 70 thousand of them died of Fentanyl overdose. That's an incredible number - for comparison, 43 thousand people died on the roads, and 47 thousand people died by suicide the same year. 


Ní amháin i bpiollairí a bhfaightear é, ach an oiread – faightear Feantanil in ionad cócaon, hearóin, methamfataimín, agus drugaí mídhleathacha eile freisin.  Mar sin, tá an ghéarchéim Fentanyl i bhfad níos measa ná aon ghéarchéim drugaí eile riamh.  Seo mar a dúirt John Tavolacci, leasuachtarán feidhmiúcháin in ionad athshlánúcháin ó dhrugaí i Nua-Eabhrac: “Ní drugaí sráide iad seo a thuilleadh.  Is nimh é seo.”

There is no doubt about that, but where does this terrible substance come from?

Where does it come from?

Fentanyl is made in laboratories. The ingredients (and especially NPP, 4-ANPP) are sent from China to the drug cartels in Mexico, which is quite easy to do. The cartels then extract Fentanyl from the ingredients, and use their distribution system to smuggle and distribute the drug throughout the United States. It is almost impossible to keep it out of the United States, because the Mexican cartels already have a lot of experience with smuggling. It's not difficult for them to distribute the drug, either - the drug dealers like Fentanyl, because it's a very strong drug and it's not expensive compared to other illegal drugs. Fentanyl is a very complex problem, for these reasons.

The solution to the problem?

There is no easy solution to the Fentanyl crisis. It is necessary to fight the war on several fronts at the same time. Here are a few suggestions: 

  1. 1. Antidotes (Naloxone) are available for opiates, including Fentanyl. Make sure that the authorities have enough Naloxone in each region, and that it is also easily available to ordinary people.
  2. 2. Run a campaign to draw attention to opiate drugs, and especially Fentanyl, and to educate people on how to use Naloxone when someone overdoses.
  3. 3. A vaccine against opiate drugs is being tested, and is likely to be available before long. The government should devise plans to use the vaccine, which would protect people in the emergency services from harm, and provide treatment for the worst addicts.



Buille Marfach sa tSín!

The Last Straw in China

"Get rid of the strict lockdown," screamed protesters in cities across China. In Shanghai and Beijing, people raised blank pages in the air. Xiao Qiang, a researcher on internet freedom at the University of California, Berkeley, explained what that means: "People know what they want to express, and so do the authorities, so people don't need to say anything. If you have a blank page, everyone will know what you mean.”


Some demonstrators called on the Communist Party and its leader, Xi Jinpeng, to resign! It is clear that people are tired of his brutal approach to COVID-19, while still using the strict lockdown anywhere people contract COVID.


Outside of China, the rest of the world has moved on to a new stage, where everything is open and there are no barriers to people moving from place to place. That approach depends on effective vaccines, like those offered by Pfizer and Moderna, being available to people. Thousands of people from all over the world have come together in Qatar supporting their national soccer teams, in full stadiums – with no masks and no problems!


China's approach was praised at the start of the pandemic, and there is no doubt that it saved lives. But almost three years later, there are more contagious versions of COVID, which spread much more easily than before. The once effective approach is now outdated and ineffective. People are demanding more freedom again, but the Communist Party is not listening to them. Usually, Chinese people are reluctant to say or do anything, because they are afraid of what might happen to them there. But now, demonstrations are happening frequently. What is going on in China?


Lockdown after lockdown


The strict lockdown policy regarding the virus has been in place since the beginning of the pandemic. No other country has such a difficult policy in place anymore, and it is clear that the benefit is not worth the trouble. Often, people have to stay at home for three or four months, and when there is a strict lockdown in a big city, there are many problems. We saw that when the government put 25 million people under strict lockdown in Shanghai last summer. The local economy was badly damaged, and there was a shortage of food and services in the city. As a result, there was a confrontation between the residents and the authorities - something that rarely happens in China.


An Economy in Trouble


China's economy is suffering badly due to the government's policy regarding COVID. That affects businesses, big and small, from the local shops and restaurants up to the manufacturing companies of the iPhone, like Foxconn. The production of the iPhone was reduced, when many Foxconn employees had to stay at home. Therefore, Apple had to warn that sales of the iPhone would fall.


According to the latest data, China's economy recently grew by 3.9 percent and some economists are predicting that rate will fall even more before the end of the year. Growth was on track for around 5.5 percent this year in China!


The Last Straw!


On November 24, ten people were burned to death at home in an apartment block in Urumqi in China's Xinjiang province. This is a region of 25 million people that was under strict lockdown for more than three months. (The region has previously been in the news for the harsh treatment of the Uighur Muslims who live there.)


Many Chinese think that the ten died as a result of the lockdown in place in Urumqi. At the beginning of the lockdown, barriers were erected to keep people at home. During the fire, people were unable to escape from the block of flats, and the emergency forces were greatly delayed, due to the same barriers being in the way.


That was the fatal blow, and then the protests really started, and they quickly spread all over the country. I hope that the government will listen to the demonstrators, and then change their approach to the virus.


Unfortunately, if history is any indication, there is little hope that the right thing will be done!




Tuairisc ó Mheiriceá: An Rabharta Dearg ar iarraidh i gcomhrac!

Report from America: The Red Wave MIA!

Bad Hair Day!

President Trump had a bad hair day after the mid-term election on November 8, 2022 in the United States. The analysts thought that the election would be a 'slam dunk' in favor of the Republicans, so the term 'red wave' was used in the media. Red is the color associated with the Republicans, and it was thought that they would have a landslide victory in the House of Representatives and the Senate. But thinking it does not make it so, and the red wave did not materialize. This is surprising because a new President's party usually loses quite a few seats in its first mid-term election. This has not happened this time, and as I write this, almost a week later, the Democrats will retain their majority in the Senate, and the Republicans will have a small majority in the House of Representatives. Historically speaking, this is a terrible result for the Republicans. 

What happened?

Here are a few reasons why the predicted 'red wave' didn't happen:

  • As kingmaker Trump chose candidates who drank the 'Kool Aid', with respect to the 2020 presidential election. They claimed that Trump had won, and that election fraud stole the victory from him. Maybe the American public is sick and tired of their lies.
  • Trump chose three conservative Supreme Court justices: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. That Court overturned abortion legislation, which gave the mother a federal right to demand and obtain an abortion anywhere in the United States. Thus, the court rendered the decision of Roe vs. Wade void as a direct consequence of those appointments. But according to the 'Pew Research Center', 61% of the population (80% Democrats and 38% Republicans) say they mostly agree with the mother's right to obtain an abortion. 
  • The Republicans were arguing strongly that Biden was to blame for the current unrestrained inflation in the United States. But the problem is being handled by both the government and the Federal Reserve Bank, with the inflation rate recently decreasing from 8.1% to 7.7%. But, more importantly, the inflation rate is higher in many other countries – almost 10% in the EU and Great Britain, for example. So, the Republicans do not have a persuasive case.
  • The Jan 6 committee presented irrefutable evidence to blame former president Trump for the uprising that occurred on January 6, 2021. Trump played a major role in all aspects of the uprising, from the big lie that the presidency was stolen from him ( he began casting doubt on the electoral process as far back as the presidential election he won in 2016), through the planning process, up to the attack on the Capitol itself. Prominent Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were some of the members on the committee, and more importantly, most of the witnesses who appeared before the committee were Republicans. That strong evidence may have influenced a lot of Republicans, so that their trust in Trump and the politicians who strongly support him has eroded.

Tide turning?

Recently, Trump's allies have sharply criticized him. Here are a few examples:

"Almost every one of the candidates that Trump supported lost," Chris Christie, the former Republican governor of New Jersey, said on ABC's "Good Morning America." “It's a big loss for Trump. And, again, it shows that his political intentions are not for his party or for the country and for Trump himself."

"Republicans have followed Donald Trump off the cliff," said David Urban, a longtime Trump adviser with ties to Pennsylvania.

Former senator Peter King, a Long Island Republican who has long supported Trump, said, "I strongly believe that he should no longer be the leader of the Republican Party," adding that the party "cannot be his personal cult!”

Parting Word!

I hope that we have now reached the moment of truth, and it is a sign of hope that the majority of the people in the country are choosing democracy over autocracy and choosing the truth over lies. With respect to democracy (though), we shouldn’t count our chickens before they are hatched. 








Ceist na nDíolúintí!

The question of exemptions!

I was in the Castle gardens the other day; stretched out completely from head to tail, relaxed and peacefully drinking in golden sun, when I heard the sharp, ear-splitting whistle, a whistle that woke me up from my sleep suddenly! But I realized in an instant who was to me, as who else but my old friend, Séimí an Droichid, would do the likes inside the heavenly gardens of the Castle. I welcomed him, and made a place for him beside me on the garden bench.

“Sit there beside me on this bench” I said to him, politely.

“Thank you very much,” he said, “and isn’t this a wonderful place you chose to meditate?”

“You said it my friend, but do you have any news on this blessed day?”

“I only have the story that is on the lips of every Irish speaker these days.”

“And what is his story?” I said, trying to provide a story telling opportunity to mad Séimí, as it seemed to me that he had some story to tell.

The Language Question

“You have probably noticed that a series of meetings of the Irish Joint Committee on the exemptions system is currently taking place?” said Séimí.

“I didn’t! Is there a big problem with our current system of exemptions, Séimí?” I wanted to develop an understanding on this topic.

“A very big problem, and if things continue like this, we won’t have a living language before long. There have been those unsupportive of the status of our language for a long time. There was a movement against the Irish language called “Language Freedom Movement” in the nineteen sixties, for example. The result of their campaign was the abolition of the requirement for civil servants to speak Irish since 1974. As a result, there were only 16 employees to deal with the Irish-speaking community in 2018 – a disgrace!”

“But,” I said, “the main goal of the Languages ​​Act 2021 is for 20% of new public service recruits to be competent in Irish before the end of 2030. Isn’t that a good thing?” I asked Séimí this question, seeking an antidote to his negative attitude towards the language.

Three steps back…

“Three steps back, and then only one step forward!” answered Séimí. “And these exemptions are just another step backwards. Initially, these exemptions were for exceptional cases – for pupils with special needs. But after a while, those rules were relaxed, and now quite a few parents are taking advantage of the flexibility of the rules, in order to get an exemption for their children – children who would not have a problem learning Irish, because more than half of them are learning other languages ​​without any question of exemption.”

“But maybe with the right management a scheme like this would work, wouldn’t it?” I said, asking Séimí the probing question.

“Whatever the Department of Education is doing, the scheme is not working well at all. And I’m not alone in that thought. Declan Glynn, assistant general secretary of the Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI), said that the system currently in place is “flawed and unsatisfactory”, and that it is now so easy to get an exemption that anyone would be forgiven for thinking it was mainly an automatic process.

Other representatives attending the meetings agreed with the opinion that there should be a curriculum for all students at whatever level of ability they are at and questioned the right to use ‘stress’ or ‘specific language learning disability’ as an excuse to demand an exemption. They are right, in my opinion, Michael, and this problem needs to be solved soon.”

“Well, Sam, I have to agree with you, because it’s clear you’ve done your homework well on the subject, and I didn’t have my eyes on that ball at all. Thanks for being patient with me, and I hope our government will do the right thing and put much stricter rules in place!”

“Me too! Nice to meet you in this wonderful place, Michael, as we discuss important matters together in Irish!

With that, Séimí left without delay, and I was left to my own devices with a new topic to with important matters for my consideration!








An tUathlathas i gcoinne an Daonlathais!

Autocracy versus Democracy

Recently, the President of the Commission of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen, gave her annual address on the State of the Union 2022. It is amazing that this speech was available in Irish simultaneously with the original version. It is available online here:

I encourage you to read it! Here are my five highlights from her speech!

The courage to stand up to our heroes

Early in the speech, von der Leyen bluntly said: “This is not just a war that Russia is waging against Ukraine. It is a war against our energy, against our economy, against our values ​​and against our future. Autocracy versus democracy. As I stand here, it is my strong opinion that Putin will fail and Europe will have the day, thanks to our courage and solidarity.”

She then praised the people of Ukraine: “Today we have a unique example of courage, and that example is Ukraine.” And she emphasized the relationship between Ukraine and the EU: “Ukraine is a long-lasting legacy, a country full of European heroes. Slava Ukraini! The solidarity between Europe and Ukraine will remain forever.”

We need to get rid of the dependency

The dependency in question here is dependence on fossil fuels from Russia.

“As a result,” said von der Leyen, “gas prices are 10 times higher than they were before the pandemic. Millions of businesses and millions of families are struggling to make ends meet. That is why we are promoting measures for Member States to reduce their overall electricity consumption.” Then, the President laid down plans to control electricity prices.

Preparing for the energy future

Von der Leyen said that there was a lot going on in Europe in terms of offshore wind energy (in the North and Baltic Seas), new design solar panels (in Sicily), and especially in terms of trains using green hydrogen as fuel. According to her, hydrogen can fundamentally change the European market. This is what she said: “We need to make hydrogen a big market rather than a niche market. For that reason I can announce today that we are going to set up a new European Hydrogen Bank. The Bank will be able to invest €3 billion to develop the future hydrogen market.”

It will be very interesting to see how this venture turns out.

How to stand up for our Democracy

von der Leyen promised to tackle the threats from within with a Defense of Democracy package. “We will not allow the Trojan horses of any autocracy to attack our democracies from within,” the President asserted.

As everyone knows, the Union has struggled to address democratic backsliding in several Member States, notably Poland and Hungary.

Although the President did not mention any member states in particular, she said that payments under the common EU budget will continue to be linked to judicial independence and the rule of law.

Rethinking our foreign policy

“This is the time to invest in the power of our democracy,” said von der Leyen. This effort, she said, should start in the immediate vicinity of the block. “I want the people of the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia to know: you are part of our family, you are the future of our union, and our union is not complete without you,” she declared.

von der Leyen threw her support behind the idea of ​​establishing a European Political Community, an initiative proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron.

“Since we are serious about a larger union, we must be serious about reform,” she said.

“Therefore, as this Parliament has requested, I believe the time has come for a European Convention.”


von der Leyen put a lot of meat on the bones of the plans for the future of the Union. Her speech was a vision statement and if her vision is realized, the European Union will be more independent, more powerful and more dominant on the world stage than ever before. A new balance of power would be in place in Europe and the world, and with it there would be a better chance that our democratic system will flourish for a long time.

Long live the EU!

