Stoirm Pholaitíochta

Political Storm!

It is a coincidence that I recently had a column entitled 'Unbridled Greed', discussing the abuse of power in various fields - including the political field. I read some news recently that shocked and appalled me - the leader of the DUP, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, had resigned, accused of 'historical' sexual allegations. My first thought was 'unbelievable'! But then, the subject of my column came back to me, and then I thought maybe it wasn't so incredible after all. Things like that happen often in the United States, and usually, after politicians deny the charges, for the most part they end up being convicted. Although Jeffrey Donaldson's case doesn't look too good, let's leave it to the court to work out if he is guilty. Regardless, politicians in the North will soon have to contend with a new political landscape, and perhaps forge a new vision in the process. Political stability will be in the balance, and it is now quite difficult to predict what will happen. In the interim, who is Jeffrey Donaldson, and what are the implications of the new DUP leadership?

Jeffrey Donaldson

In 1968, as front bench spokesman in the British Government, Enoch Powell gave a controversial speech about 'Rivers of Blood', inciting his followers to hate people of color. As a result of his speech, he was sacked as speaker, but he remained an unwelcome member of the Conservative Party until 1974. In October 1974, Powell found refuge in the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) with the loyalists describing him as a prophet, and then he was elected as an MP in Down South. Powell said in one speech that all political careers eventually fail – something he himself knew well.

Jeffrey's cousin, Samuel Donaldson, was killed in an IRA bombing in 1970, while working for the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). That inspired Jeffrey Donaldson to political life.

Jeffrey Donaldson began his own political career some 40 years ago as a constituency agent for Enoch Powell from 1983 to 1985. In 1985, he began working as a personal assistant to former Ulster Unionist Party leader James Molyneaux.

In 1997, when Mr Molyneaux resigned, Jeffrey Donaldson succeeded in taking the Lagan Valley seat. In 2003, amid opposition to the Good Friday Agreement and David Trimble's leadership, he left the UUP and joined the DUP with Arlene Foster. He was appointed as DUP leader in 2021, after Edwin Poots resigned after just three weeks in the role.

As leader of the DUP, Jeffrey Donaldson led a two-year boycott of Northern Ireland's political institutions in Stormont, in protest at post-Brexit trade arrangements. After long negotiations, the DUP agreed to return to Stormont in February, 2024, having secured a new agreement and a series of declarations regarding the constitutional position of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom. The serious allegations occurred when Jeffrey Donaldson was at the top of his game. As for what his mentor, Enoch Powell said – that all political careers eventually fail – the prophecy might well come true in the case of Jeffrey Donaldson.

What can be done now?

When the allegations came to light, DUP party officials suspended Jeffrey Donaldson from the party and unanimously appointed deputy leader Gavin Robinson as interim leader. Mr Robinson is the MP for East Belfast and became deputy leader of the DUP in June 2023. He is a former Lord Mayor of Belfast and was first elected to parliament in 2015. His political stance is almost identical to Jeffrey Donaldson's stance, and he ran a successful leadership campaign for him in 2021.

According to Sinn Féin and the DUP, there is no risk to the political stability of the North. Although I don't believe that to be true, I understand that that is the best thing for them to say. The political ecosystem is now fragile, and easy to break. The ink is not yet dry on Jeffrey Donaldson's decision to end the Stormont boycott, a decision for which he did not have strong support in the DUP. There is a good chance that those who are against that decision would take the opportunity to reopen it and take a step back. On the other side of the argument, there is a lot of pressure on the DUP not to go back to a dysfunctional system in the North, a system where everyone suffers, including their own supporters.

Let's all hope that all political parties in the North and especially the DUP will have a little sense and concern in this hour of decision, and in that way peace will prevail. As we all know, we can never take the political situation for granted, especially in the North!


Tuairisc ó Mheiriceá – An Searmanas Seamróige!

Opinion from America - The Shamrock Ceremony!

Opinion from America - The Shamrock Ceremony!

Many people in Ireland were demanding that the meeting between Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and the President of the United States Joe Biden be canceled as a protest against the support given by the United States of America (USA) to Israel during its horrific attacks in Gaza. More than 30,000 people were killed there, most of them civilians. Around 250 people are killed on average every day in the Strip – six times more than in the war in Ukraine. There can be no excuse for the destruction and looting that is going on in Gaza - including the Holocaust. It needs to be stopped immediately. This is an unmitigated shame, and the USA is indirectly to blame, as they are a facilitator. In addition to financial and military aid, the US also provides large-scale political support to Israel. The US has vetoed 83 UN Security Council resolutions. 42 of those were against criticizing Israel and the most recent one (on October 18, 2023) against a humanitarian pause in the Gaza Strip.

After thinking it over, Varadkar decided to make the visit to Washington, instead of turning his back on Biden. He was determined to express a strong position to Biden, criticizing the policies of the genocide that are being implemented by Israel, and that it is unacceptable for the western world to support Israel in relation to the same policies.

The Shamrock Ceremony

Varadkar attended the events celebrating St. Patrick's Day. An important part of the celebration is the visit of the Taoiseach to the White House to chat with the President of the United States, face to face. That is a great privilege, and no other country, especially a small country, is able to have such a chance, year after year. As important as it is, I was very pleased that Varadkar did not cancel that annual meeting. Also, isn't it better to have a difficult conversation, instead of a boycott?

The two had a private conversation at first, discussing many topics. Biden and Varadkar then gave speeches. Varadkar bluntly said that the problem for the Irish people is that the US is still giving military support to the Israelis, despite what the Israeli military forces (IDF) are doing in Gaza. At the same time, he accepted that the US was working hard to enforce a ceasefire in Gaza. It's interesting that Biden agreed with everything Varadkar said, but actions speak louder than words, and Biden's words and actions are in disagreement so far.

Here are a few excerpts from Varadkar's speech:

“Almost 250 years ago, we Irish were in the American War of Independence. Exactly 100 years ago, the United States became the first country to formally recognize the newly independent State of Ireland and establish diplomatic relations.”

"And tonight, let us all reflect on the words of President Kennedy when he urged us to do 'the most important work of peace' to protect the weak and the small, as he said in the Irish Parliament: ' from Cork to the Congo, from Galway to the Gaza Strip'.

"Mr President, as you know, the people of Ireland are very worried about the disaster that is unfolding before our eyes in Gaza. As I travel the world, leaders often ask me why the Irish have so much compassion for the Palestinian people. The answer is simple: we see our history in their eyes. A story of displacement and dispossession, national identity questioned and denied, forced emigration, discrimination, and now - hunger.

So we support your work and the work of your administration, to achieve a humanitarian ceasefire and to create space for lasting peace.

The people of Gaza are in desperate need of food, medicine and shelter. But especially they need the bombs to stop. This has to stop. On both sides. The hostages taken back home. And humanitarian relief allowed to come in.

Israel must reverse its rash decision regarding the ground invasion in Rafah.

And after 100 years of violence, as you said, the only way forward for security is to have two peaceful and sovereign states, side by side.

Ireland is ready to recognize a Palestinian state with like-minded partners at the right time in terms of peace.

Mr. President, we also see the history of Israel in our eyes. A diaspora whose heart was in Ireland generation after generation. A revived nation-state. And the revival of the language.

I believe that it is possible to be pro-Israel and pro-Palestine and I believe you believe the same.

Because the life of a Palestinian child has the same status as the life of an Israeli child.

And that the ambition of the Palestinian people to have their own homeland, a full-fledged State in the land of their ancestors, is on par with having a state for the people of Israel.

I also believe that there are lessons that can be learned from our own peace process in Ireland. A concept of equal respect and the importance of relationships in particular.

And also the vital role of America, personified by the chairman of our peace talks, Senator George Mitchell. There was a permanent secretariat based on American trust and oversight.”


The Taoiseach's speech tells its own story, and I think we all agree with what he had to say to Biden. I think things are going in the right direction but at a snail's pace. But I also think it's no coincidence that more is happening after the meeting between them than before. That is a small beacon of hope, and maybe there is a small chance that there will be a ceasefire in Gaza before long.

As a final word, Varadkar has announced that he will be stepping down from his role as Taoiseach and leader of Fine Gael. "After seven years, I'm not the best person for the job anymore," he said. I wiish you well in your endeavours, Leo!


Fáilte Roimh Chách – Inné, Inniu agus Amárach!

Welcome Everyone – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!

Welcome Everyone – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!

It's not too long ago when nobody would have thought that the day would ever come when people would be flooding the coasts of our country, hoping to join us. Wasn't it in the opposite way that the human flood was pouring out of us, day after day, week after week and year after year? At that time, you would only hear complaints and grievances from the poor about the poverty of this poor country. Everyone had the same tune, all claiming that our country had gone astray. The media were confirming the same attitude, saying that this country had been "banjaxed", and had gone down the toilet, into the sea.

Even our education system was aimed at getting jobs for our young people in overseas countries, and we were training doctors, nurses, priests, teachers and more, who had no chance of getting a job ONLY overseas. In addition to that, the people of this country did not care about the migration of those educated people, or about the 'Brain Drain' as it is called in English.

Undoubtedly, those who migrated did well, but of course, we should never forget the injustice done to them, when we, as a community, were unable to serve them in their own homeland. Although they managed to achieve a good career, they often shed the bitter tears of exile, because wouldn't it be much better to have the same success in their own country? They were wonderful people, who sent money home to us when it was badly needed.

Arrival of the Celtic Tiger

Big changes began in the nineties, slowly at first and then faster, until we no longer had those difficulties. Young people were going on holiday to faraway places in the world. People had cars, who once had only poor four-legged, long-eared Neids. People were going out to inns and restaurants to dine. And as well as that, people were dressed elegantly, all the time. The look, taste and smell of money was to be found, below and above, near and far, all over the country. You would no longer hear people saying on the Radio or the Television that our land had been "banjaxed", as the people who used to sing that tune were now sitting pretty, earning a pile of money over the years, from the purse of that same "banjaxed" State. To make a long story short, the news of the money was soon out on us, all over the world.

The "Black Babies"

There was only one result of that reputation for money, and that was that people came to the coasts of this country, hoping that they would get a generous share here. Those people came, one by one at first, then in small groups, and finally, they became a strong, unstoppable flood. In the beginning, we did not treat the strangers who came among us so generously, since we had no practice of such, but with the passage of time, we had to accept that we had a duty to treat them with dignity and respect. Didn't we spend many years in this country collecting pennies for the "Black Babies", but when those same Children grew up, and when they came to try and get in, well - that was a whole other story! But after a while, we were made aware that we had no other choice but to give them asylum, when such was due to them, and in addition to that, we welcomed essential workers who came to us in a strong, hopeful, unstoppable toorent, and no wonder we welcomed them, as they helped us to feed and fatten the hungry, Celtic Tiger of ours. As far as I am concerned, we should welcome those righteous people who come to us, in search of asylum, or work, and we should also be happy to grant them the citizenship of our country, if they deserve that.

Now, it wasn't just the "Black Babies" who came to our door, since as soon as the word spread that there was excellent work and jobs to be found there, people from different ethnicities started raising their sails, to make their way to this country.

Welcome to All

Although it is more difficult to deal with more people, we still have to stick to our basic principles. May we never forget the millions of us who fled this country during the Great Famine and found refuge in other countries, including Canada and the United States. No matter how hard it is, it is better to do something, in my opinion, especially in a situation like this. That's not to say that rules aren't necessary, because they are, but when anyone is admitted legally into the country, and especially those seeking asylum, we have an obligation to treat them well. When I see terrible things happening in Dublin, where a camp for asylum seekers was set on fire, or in Ballincollig in Cork, where and a former school was set on fire, which was almost ready to give asylum to refugees from Ukraine, I am both disappointed and determined. Actions speak louder than words, and it is time for us in this country to fight xenophobia, and offer a helping hand to the refugees that our government took in in the first place, to give them a new life. We have no excuses and we have to do the right thing from now on.






Suirbhé ag teastáil go géar!

A Survey is badly needed!

I read an interesting article on '' recently written by Máire Ní Fhinneadha and it got me thinking. She wrote about data from the 2022 census and the number of people who speak Irish every day in the Gaeltacht in the Language Planning Areas. Máire was surprised that the experts didn't have much to say and especially that they didn't give us any advice based on those results. She said that 43% in her own area in the Gaeltacht claimed to be daily speakers, but she then made a good point that it was most likely the heads of families - adults - who filled in the census form, although the most important information about speaking the language at a young age. Máire did her own informal research in Cois Farraige.


Patrúin úsáide na teanga

Máire identified three patterns in relation to the use of the language in her own area, in my opinion:

1. Bilingual use. Máire heard young men chatting together on the bus. They were speaking English one minute and Irish the next, switching languages back and forth without realizing it.
2. Language delivery from generation to generation. Máire saw another pattern at work when family members were talking together. The adults in the family talk to each other in Irish, but only English is spoken to the little boys.

Máire saw something that was both funny and sad. A young woman passed by with her son and they had a small conversation about the pleasure boat that was out on the road. The woman said to the boy - 'look at the boat'. 'Why are you speaking Irish Mammy?' says the wee lad!

3. Language of intergenerational communication. Máire noticed another pattern when young people are working in the Gaeltacht, for example in the shops. They speak English together, but they switch to Irish when talking to Máire and the like.


According to the census, the number of people in the Gaeltacht who speak Irish has risen, from 63,664 in 2016 to 65,156 in 2022 (an increase of 1,492 / +2.3%) at a time when, however, the number of people in the Gaeltacht who speak Irish has fallen every day from 20,586 in 2016 to 20,261 in 2022 (fall 325 / -1.6%). Although there is a positive story in that there is an increase in the number of people who speak Irish, it is a cause for concern that the community that speaks Irish is falling. But when you combine the aforementioned usage patterns with the census figures, it becomes clear that the situation is even worse. When the heads of households who speak Irish every day filled out the census form, it is more likely than not that they described that everyone in the family speaks Irish every day. Therefore, there is every chance that the number of people in the Gaeltacht who speak Irish as their main language every day is considerably less than 20,261. Not only that, but there is a good chance that most young people do not speak Irish as their main language either, even if they speak Irish every day, and that is not a good thing, if it is true. This is what Julian de Spáinn, Secretary General of the Irish Language League, said on the subject:

"...strong, continuous and ambitious support from the State is urgently needed to turn the tide and achieve a significant boost in the use of the Irish language. There are plenty of things that need to be done to achieve that vision and to sustain the growth that is needed; it is necessary to finance the Growth Plan, Investment Plan for the Irish and the Gaeltacht 2024-29, which has been agreed by more than 115 Irish and Gaeltacht groups to ensure significant long-term investment; there is a need for a national housing policy for the Gaeltacht; there is a need for an education policy from early childhood education to third level, and beyond." Although I agree with him, I think that more information is needed to develop a more targeted and effective approach.


It would be very useful to carry out a survey to collect more personal data from the people who speak Irish every day, according to the census. I would ask for details such as: your age, your main language at home and outside, what percentage of Irish and English do you speak daily, do you speak a mixture of Irish and English? Do you speak Irish with your own generation and English outside of that (or vice versa)?

We would learn a lot from a survey like that and with the new information we would receive, we would be able to formulate better plans to achieve a significant boost in the use of the Irish language.








Ryan Tubridy received €345,000 in secret additional payments from RTÉ from 2017 up to 2023. The company was engaged in a massive cost-cutting program during that time and the station implemented a 15% salary reduction. RTÉ is being questioned by the Oireachtas Media Committee and the Oireachtas Public Accounts Committee. According to RTÉ, Dee Forbes, the former director general of the company, is the only person who was aware of all the details relating to the additional payments to Tubridy. It is clear that she is a scapegoat and the government believes that this is an absurd explanation!

Here's a summary and a few thoughts about the controversy.

1. Lack of transparency and accountability. Dee Forbes, who has been suspended from her position as director general of RTÉ, was asked by the aforementioned government committees to attend the committee meetings. The Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, and the Oireachtas Public Accounts Committee are asking Ryan Tubridy, his agent Noel Kelly, and Dee Forbes to appear before the committee, to tell their stories and answer questions. Dee Forbes says she is now sick because of this crisis! Tubridy and Kelly say they will answer questions soon, but we don't have more information as I write the column. In my opinion, this duty should be one of the conditions of employment for them, regardless of anything else. Shouldn't people in public offices or other positions of trust be held accountable? The government is able to subpoena people to come before the Oireachtas, but it is quite complicated to do that, especially in the case of Dee Forbes because she is ill and she is no longer working in RTÉ. In any case, the government is giving invitations to the people mentioned above, and if necessary they will be forced to attend meetings organized by the Oireachtas Public Accounts committee.
2. 'Slush Fund'. RTÉ Chief Financial Officer Richard Collins appeared before the Oireachtas and brought new things to light. RTÉ had a special bank account, from which they made the additional payments to Tubridy. This 'swap' account, which usually contained more than €1 million, was used to spend €275,000 on sporting events (travel, tickets and hotels) – Rugby World Cup, Champions League (ten year tickets ), IRFU matches and European soccer, included – stay tuned for flip flops! Collins said that the tax payers might be betrayed! RTÉ will undoubtedly have other questions to answer about this fund, especially as it was discovered very briefly that there are three accounts of this kind involved! Public Expenditure Minister Pascal Donohoe said the government will seek financial reports going back several years, to gain a deeper understanding of the controversy.
3. Agent. Noel Kelly is a very powerful man, agent not only for Tubridy, but for other big names too – including Dave Fanning, Kathryn Thomas, Matt Cooper and Ivan Yates. He is a middleman, who takes a 15% commission from his client's salary. Kelly will undoubtedly have many questions to answer. But don't forget one thing: even though Kelly is able to advise his clients, they are the ones in charge and they are the ones who give him instructions. In that way, Tubridy owns the documentation regarding the financial arrangements he was demanding. At first, Tubridy didn't accept that responsibility, but he promptly changed his tune after a while. In my opinion, RTÉ should negotiate salaries directly with their employees without any agent present.
4. Too much money. When too much money is involved, there are always problems, and greed corrupts. Therefore, there is a need for external supervision of companies and a power to punish companies that break the rules. In RTÉ's case, the gate is being closed after the horse has bolted.


We are only at the beginning of the investigation now, and we still have a lot to learn about what has been going on in RTÉ for several years. All the truth will come out, probably, and then the government will have to make a decision so that this does not happen again. I hope that an external oversight organization will be put in place with the necessary powers and will keep a close eye on the new RTÉ and any other organizations that use our taxes to operate.




Cothrom na Féinne sa Bhunreacht?

Fairness in the Constitution?


I was eating my lunch alone, upstairs in the furniture store 'Meubles' when I recognized my old friend Séimí in the buffet queue. I waved my hand at him to get his attention and he gave me a big smile before coming in my direction.

"Nice to meet you here, Michael!" said Séimí as he sat in front of me at the table. "I didn't know you liked the 'Meubles' restaurant, son!"

“I love the clam chowder here. But I was the one who was surprised, because I'm always here, and I've never seen you here before, Séimí!" I said.

"I'm late today, Michael, but I come here once or twice a week at noon and I'm gone within half an hour!"

"Call me from now on if you want my company, and I'll be happy to meet you at noon," I said matter-of-factly.

"Thank you, and if I'm not in a hurry I'll call you!" answered Séimí. "But what about the 'fairness' that was established in this country after the 'Easter Rising, 1916'? Do you have any opinion on it now, Michael?” As usual for my friend Séimí an Droichid, he tilted his head as he scrutinized me.

"Share your own views with me first, Séimí!" I said, "and then I will add them." I drank a cup of coffee, while I waited for what he would have to say.

“As you well know, I have a liberal attitude. Once, my views were not accepted and people labeled me a hippie. But now we have a liberal, progressive country, almost free from the yoke of the Church at last. When it was drawn up in 1934-1937, the constitution was strongly in line with the teachings of the Church, and particularly with the views of Father McQuaid (then president of Blackrock College, and later Archbishop and Primate of All Ireland) and the Jesuit Father Cahill. The three of them (deValera, McQuaid and Cathill) were conservative Catholics, who worked hand in hand to draft the constitution. It is not surprising then, that they intended to have a religious and conservative constitution. Unfortunately, it was also a discriminatory constitution because fairness was not given priority in the constitution. There have been 38 referendums on amendments to the constitution since 1937 and the constitution we have now is completely different and better than the first one. But we still have work to do!” Séimí finally stopped talking, and started eating his assorted salads.

"I agree with you, my friend," I said. "It is a great pity that deValera was not more objective about the constitution, but he was under pressure from all sides at the time. The Catholic Church was very powerful, as the majority of the population at the time were devout Catholics. Although there were not many Protestants in the south, there were many in the North, and deValera wanted to create a constitution that would be suitable for them as well. It was difficult for him to serve both sets of needs, however, and although he made peaceful gestures in the constitution for the Protestants, deValera was subject to the Catholic Church, and that is evident in the constitution he published in 1937."

"For the first time ever, we're not arguing with each other Michael!" said Séimí, laughing. “There are now major changes in the constitution regarding divorce, abortion and same-sex marriage that would have been unthinkable thirty years ago. But are we done yet?”

"Not really, as we said!" I said. "We have and will always have work to do. But although we still have a lot to do, the most important thing for us to do right now is to remove the reference to women being enslaved at home from the constitution. We will have a referendum on that later and I hope that amendment will be accepted!”

"Of course, Michael!" said Séimí. "Ireland is now a post-Catholic country, and it's time to put an end to the oppression and restrictions of the church."

“On that note, Séimí, let's end our sessions today! We don't always agree, but we agree on the most important things, in my opinion – things like equality in this great country.”

We walked out together, and I promised myself that I would be in touch with Séimí again before long.


