Isn’t if often that someone asks us a question and we don't have a suitable answer because we are stunned! Don't we hate when this happens! Sometimes, we lose a few hours of sleep as a result, even if it's a small thing. I was asked this kind of question recently, and I would love to go back in time to answer the question properly. I may not be able to actually time travel, but I can do it with my imagination, and then write about it!

The Question

"Why are you studying Irish?"

I was in the pub in Glencolmkille with Sinéad, my wife, at the end of the day. Sinéad was meeting a few people from her class and I came to meet them for the first time, as I was not attending the same class as them. We were getting to know each other when I was asked the question. It was a judge who put it to me, and from his tone of voice, it felt to me that this man thought that there was no point in me studying Irish, and that it was a waste of time. He knew that I live most of the year in California, and that's it. The word froze in my mouth, and I was in a panic!

George Mallory

I don't know why, but that question reminded me of another question. The famous climber George Mallory was asked a certain question, many times. This is how Mallory wrote about it:

"People ask me, 'What is it worth to climb Mount Everest?' My immediate answer is "It's not worth it!” There is no chance of any benefit. We will not bring back a little gold or silver, or jewels, or coal, or iron

If you do not understand that there is something in us that faces the challenge of this mountain, and that this struggle is the same as the ceaseless upward struggle in our lives, you will not see why we go.

What we get from this episode is just pure joy. And after all, joy is the reason for life. We don't live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to survive. That's the meaning of life and that's the purpose of life."

Nach iontach an freagra a bhí ag Mallory! Ní gá dom a rá nár cheist eisiach mar sin a cuireadh orm, ach d’aimsigh sé an t-éasc ionam, mar sin féin. Rith sé liom aithris a dhéanamh ar Mallory, agus freagra a scríobh síos don cheist a cuireadh orm.

Yu Ming is My Name!

A short film is available on 'YouTube' entitled 'Yu Ming is My Name'. Before he comes to visit Ireland, Yu Ming reads that Irish is the official language in the country, and he starts learning it as he intends to settle in Ireland. At first, no one understands him and he understands no one. But he meets an Irish-speaker in the pub, who tells Yu Ming that "English is spoken here!" In the end, Yu Ming gets a job in the Gaeltacht, and is able to use his Irish. The reason Yu Ming learned Irish was because he thought that everyone speaks it every day. Unfortunately, Yu Ming did not have the right and he did not have a valid reason to learn Irish. Even in the Gaeltacht, it is quite difficult to use Irish all the time.

Why, then, would anyone – including the questioner, spend a week or two a year attending an Irish language immersion course? There were people who used Irish in their jobs, and I understand that well. But, even for most of them, it wasn't their jobs that motivated them to improve their Irish but the opposite! In addition, there were many people there, including the judge, who did not need to use Irish, from the point of view of their jobs. a chaithfeadh aon duine an ceistitheoir san áireamh, seachtain nó dhó sa bhliain ag freastal ar thumchúrsa Gaeilge? Bhí daoine ann ar úsáid siad Gaeilge ina bpoist, agus tuigim é sin go maith. Ach, fiú dfhormhór dóibhsean, níorbh é a gcuid poist a spreag siad chun feabhas a chur ar a nGaeilge ach a mhalairt!  Chomh maith leis sin bhí go leor daoine ann, an breitheamh san áireamh, nár ghá leo Gaeilge a úsáid, ó thaobh a bpoist de.

My answer

Finally, here is my own answer:


Irish culture, and especially the Irish language, is close and ingrained in me, no matter where I live or what happens to me. It is a kind of DNA or a basic characteristic in me with my memory, which my family on my father's side (a poet who was from the Gaeltacht) has had for generations. We find true joy and meaning in being true to ourselves, and wouldn't I be remiss and even foolish to ignore something as important as that?






