Is í Cassidy Hutchinson an finné a rabhamar ag fanacht léí! Níl aon dabht faoi sin! Ní raibh a fhios ag éinne (seachas an roghchoiste féin) go mbeadh éisteacht gan choinne eagraithe agus go mbeadh Cassidy mar an t-aon fhinné i gclár na mionn, agus leaschathaoirleach an roghchoiste Liz Cheney ar cur na ceisteanna uirthi. Ní háibhéil é a rá nach bhfaca mé a leithéid ar an teilifís riamh! Thug Cassidy rudaí uafásacha chun solais maidir le chúrsaí Eanáir 6 i Washington DC.  Tá laoch Eanáir 6 againn anois, a chairde – duine nach bhfuil ach cúig bliana is fiche slánaithe aice!

Bhí sí ina cúntóir feidhmeannach ag ceann foirne Trump –Mark Meadows.

Is í an duine a rabhamar ag feitheamh léí! Chonaic sé gach rud, chuala sí gach rud, agus anois bhris sí na scéalta ar Trump agus Meadows, chomh maith le cúpla duine eile. Ba cheart dóibh siúd go mbeadh a gcroí amuigh ar a mbéal!

Thug Cassidy fianaise dochreidte, idir fhístaifeadadh agus bheo, a thug léargas domhain dúinn faoi Trump agus a chomhpháirtithe timpeall Eanáir 6, nuair a bhí na madaidh scaoilte agus clocha ceangailte!


An fhírinne shearbh, dal le Cassidy Hutchinson!

Ar Eanáir 2, chuaigh sí in éineacht le dlíodóir Trump, Rudy Guliani, do dtí a charr. D’iarr Giuliani di: “Cass, an bhfuil sceitimíní ort faoi Eanáir 6? Lá iontach a bheidh ann! Tá muid ag dul go dtí an Caipeatól!

Nuair a chuir Cassidy ceist ar a bass, Mark Meadows, ag iarraidh cad a bhí i gceist ag Giuliani, d’fhreagair sé: “Tá go leor ar siúl, Cass, ach níl a fhios agam. Seans go rachaidh cúrsaí chun donais ar fad ar Eanáir 6!”

Dúirt Cassidy leis an roghchoiste: “Ba é sin an chéad uair ar chuimhin liom gur mhothaigh mé scanraithe agus neirbhíseach faoi cad a d’fhéadfadh tarlú ar Eanáir 6. Agus bhí an-imní orm faoi, ó thaobh na pleanála de.

Thug Mark Meadows neamhaird ar na foláirimh ar thug Hutchinson agus an leascheann foirne sa Teach Bán, Tony Ornato, dó. Dúirt siad le Meadows go raibh uirlisí troda ag cuid den slua a bhí ag freastal ar slógadh Eanáir 6 – gunnaí, sceana, armúr colainne, sprae éagumasaithe, fiú crainn brataí le sleánna ar a mbarr. Ach níor fhéach Meadows aníos óna chathaoir, arsa Hutchinson, agus ní raibh le rá aige ach: “Maith go leor, aon rud eile?”



Hutchinson said she had the sensation that “I was watching a bad car accident about to happen where you can’t stop it but you want to be able to do something. I remember thinking in that moment, ‘Mark needs to snap out of this.’ ”


(Mark, by the way, still hasn’t.)


Backstage at the infamous “Stop the Steal” rally where Trump would urge supporters to march to the Capitol, and vow to join them, Hutchinson said, Trump was furious because metal detectors erected by the Secret Service were keeping many rallygoers away. They apparently did not want to relinquish their weapons, but that meant the crowd inside the perimeter looked less robust.


“I don’t effing care that they have weapons,” Trump said just before he took the stage, recalled Hutchinson. “They aren’t here to hurt me.”


No indeed. They were there — some of them anyway — to hang Vice President Mike Pence, who refused Trump’s corrupt demands that he not certify the results of the electoral college.


Hutchinson, in almost two hours of quiet but explosive testimony Tuesday at the latest, hastily called Jan. 6 committee hearing, was present when White House Counsel Pat Cipollone pleaded with Meadows to make Trump intervene as the rioters fought with officers and breached the Capitol.


“I remember Pat saying something to


the effect of, ‘Mark, we need to do something more,’ ” said Hutchinson. “ ‘They are literally calling for the effing vice president to be


hung.’ ”


Meadows, she said, reminded Cipollone of Trump’s response: “You heard it, Pat. He thinks Mike deserves it. He doesn’t think they are doing anything wrong.”


When his Secret Service detail refused to drive Trump to the Capitol after the rally to join the insurrection, the president became unhinged, Hutchinson testified. “ ‘I’m the effing president, take me up to the Capitol now,’ ” Hutchinson was told the president said.


He tried to grab the steering wheel of his limo, and when the head of his Secret Service detail, Bobby Engel, removed his hand, he went for Engel’s throat. Engel did not refute the story when it was recounted to Hutchinson later by Ornato (in Engel’s presence). In fact, Hutchinson said she saw a shaken Engel put his hands to his clavicle to demonstrate what Trump had done.


Hutchinson was also in the White House when Trump threw his lunch across the room after learning his then-Atty. Gen. William Barr had told an Associated Press reporter that Trump had lost the election.


“I remember hearing noise,” she testified. When she walked to the dining room, she saw the valet cleaning up. “I first noticed there was ketchup dripping down the wall and there was a shattered porcelain plate on the floor,” she said. “The valet articulated the president was extremely angry at the attorney general’s AP interview and had thrown his lunch against the wall. I grabbed a towel and started wiping the ketchup off the wall to help the valet out.”


That wasn’t the only time she’d been aware of Trump chucking his lunch. “There were several times that I was aware of him either throwing dishes or flipping the tablecloth to let all the contents of the table go onto the floor, likely break or go everywhere.”


For other people to clean up, of course.


In 2018, when she was a senior at Christopher Newport University in Virginia, Hutchinson told her college newspaper how thrilled she was to have been selected as a White House intern.


“I have set a personal goal to pursue a path of civic significance,” she said.


Congratulations, Ms. Hutchinson. Few people are lucky enough to achieve their goals so young.




She disclosed that Trump physically attacked a Secret Service agent when he didn’t get his way on Jan. 6, that he instructed Meadows to call political dirty trickster Roger Stone and disgraced former national security advisor Michael Flynn at their Willard Hotel “war room” on Jan. 5, which she told Meadows was “inappropriate.”


With no apparent ax to grind, and plenty to lose, she showed up for her country Tuesday.


In the days leading up to the Jan. 6 insurrection, Hutchinson testified, she became frightened by what Trump and his allies were planning.


