Ag deireadh na bliana, bíonn go leor daoine agus eagraíochtaí ag déanamh tuartha agus tairngreachtaí don bhliain nua. Táthar ann a chreideann cuid acu, ach áirím féin ina measc siúd. Ina ainneoin sin, na tuartha céanna an-suimiúil agus is ábhar machnaimh iad den chuid is . Ar a laghad, feiceann cruinneshamhail duine eile, agus uaireanta bainfidh sin geit asat, toisc go bhfuil go hiomlán éagsúil le do chruinneshamhail féin. Seo dhá shraith de thuartha, ceann amháin foilsithe san almanag dar teidealOld Moore’s Almanac’ (foilsíodh é den chéad uair in 1764), agus an ceann eile fógartha ag iar-Uachtarán na Rúise, Dmitry Medvedev.



Predictions from Old Moore's Almanac



Here are some of the predictions in the Almanac for the year 2023.



• There will be a "big reset" of the financial system in 2023. It's hard for me to go from the general thing to the specific things that could happen as a result.
• An "Atlantic event" will affect the west coast of Ireland next year. It is a big event, according to this prediction. It is not mentioned what kind of incident it is.
• The increases in house prices here will be slower, but still increasing. I don't agree with that, because I think we're going to see a significant drop in house prices.
• Limerick will win in Hurling, and Kerry in Football. What about Kilkenny? What kind of prediction is this?
• There will be a "serious health warning" for Donald Trump. He is not in good health, and there is a good chance that something will happen to him in the coming year, I think.
• The internet will suffer a global outage. I do not agree with that, because it is a distributed system and it would be very difficult to imagine how the whole system can be broken - pieces of it, maybe.
• Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will have "marriage and money problems". I don't care about them!
• We will have a new Pope. There is a decent chance of that, because he's not in good health and he's also getting old!



Predictions from Dmitry Medvedev



"On New Year's Eve, everyone is making predictions," Medvedev tweeted. "Many come up with wild predictions, as if they were competing with the craziest and even the most absurd ones," Medvedev said adding to such predictions.



• Part of Ukraine will be held by Poland and Hungary. The "Fourth Reich" will be created, which will include the territory of Germany and its satellites - Poland, the Baltic States, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and a few other places as well. Then, there will be war between France and the "Fourth Reich" and, in the process, Europe will be divided. This prediction makes no sense or reason. Poland and Hungary are part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (ECAT), which is allied with Ukraine. Germany has no ambition to establish an empire either, due to its shameful history.
• Northern Ireland will separate from the United Kingdom and join the Republic of Ireland. As we all know, this is an absurd prediction, as Irish reunification is a complex process, and a majority in the North needs to be in favor of reunification before anything else. The majority isn't there right now, and that won't change for the foreseeable future.
• Civil war breaks out in the United States, and California and Texas become independent states as a result. Texas and Mexico will be allied states. Although there are political problems in the United States, there is no sign that civil war will break out anytime soon. Texas and Mexico don't like each other, and it's hard to imagine them ever being allies!
• Elon Musk will win the presidential election in the states that, after the end of the civil war, side with the Republican Party. This is the most absurd prediction! No doubt Musk thought Medvedev's predictions (and especially this one) were hilarious, as he responded with his own tweet, saying: "Epic Tweet!"






The difference between those two sets of predictions is night and day, and while 'Old Moore's Almanac' predictions are kind of believable, Dmitry Medvedev's predictions are laughable. The difference? In my opinion, Medvedev does not know the trade secret. Here's the secret: 'Use vague expressions in your predictions, and then no matter what happens, there's a good chance that your prophecy will come true!








