Agóidí Síochánta sna hOllscoileanna!

Peaceful Protests in Universities!

Although some of them have been broken up by the police, many camps are still located on university grounds around the world, as a measure of solidarity with the people of Gaza, and to peacefully protest against the merciless slaughter that is wrought by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on the people of Gaza. It is estimated that at least 35,000 people have died and 78,000 were injured as a result of this horrific fighting. The war began with surprise terrorist attacks by the terrorist group Hamas on October 7, 2023. About 1,200 people were killed and 250 people were kidnapped in that attack. The Israeli government consequently promised to eliminate Hamas. Israel began a ground attack in the Gaza Strip on October 27, 2023, and they are not finished yet. Unfortunately, the civilians of Gaza are the most affected by the war. There are not many buildings left standing in the strip, and there is now a shortage of food. More than a million people, or half the population in the Strip, do not have enough food or clean water. That is a major disaster as it is, and the people of Gaza are facing even more disaster - especially if the IDF attacks the city of Rafah, now home to more than 1.5 million people, most of them refugees from elsewhere in Gaza.

Unconditional support

The Hamas attack shocked countries around the world, and all countries understood that there would be a strong response from Israel. The United States and the European Union stood firmly with Israel and understood that Israel had the right to defend its country and to counterattack and subdue Hamas. They also understood that the punishment should fit the crime, and that Israel had an international duty to avoid killing innocent civilians. But the IDF carried out attack after attack indiscriminately, and on average, a child dies in Gaza every ten minutes. This is unacceptable and in all likelihood Israel is breaking international law. But despite everything, the United States and the European Union are too slow to move their position and withdraw their support until Israel fulfills its international obligations. The United States is still supplying Israel with offensive weapons, when they know full well what will be done with them. That approach does not sit well with the view of the majority of the western public.

Public Protest

When there is a significant difference between the government's policies and the public's point of view, the public shows its displeasure and often takes to the streets in protest and organizes protest marches. It is now the case regarding Gaza, and large protest marches take place in Ireland, the United States and many other countries, demanding an end to the terrible violence taking place there.

A protest movement is also emerging in universities around the world, with students setting up camps on their university grounds. The students at Columbia University were among the first to set up camps, and that movement spread to campuses across the country, from California to Ohio to Georgia. Then, it spread around the world, including to universities in Ireland and to Trinity College in particular. The students have issued a list of demands, asking their universities to issue a statement criticizing Israel and to stop dealing with Israeli companies, and especially those companies involved in human rights violations against the Palestinian. On the Columbia campus, the students took over the university building (Hamilton Hall). On account of that, the president of the university called the police. They entered the campus and closed down the camp and arrested more than 300 people. A total of 2200 people were arrested across the country on university campuses. A few universities in the United States - including Brown University, Northwestern University, Rutgers University, University of Minnesota, UCLA and the University of California at Riverside - have said they would take steps to divest.

Ray of Hope

Over 40 tents were erected on the Trinity College campus on May 3, and therefore, a meeting was organized between the university and the protesters on May 6. The university has yielded to several demands saying it will stop investing in three Israeli companies that are on the United Nations Human Rights Council's list of companies involved in illegal Israeli settlements. The university also promised to establish a task force to investigate Israeli institutions, and to provide eight scholarships to Gaza students . Although the university did not give in to all the demands of the protesters, and although the protesters did not stop their campaign, it is a good sign that the two parties are talking and making progress together. As this article goes to press, President Biden has just intercepted a large shipment of bombs from Israel – 1,800 bombs weighing 2,000 pounds and 1,700 bombs weighing 500 pounds. That's a step in the right direction, and it's quite possible that the peaceful protests, including in the universities, had a significant impact on President Biden's decision. If so, it shows how powerful peaceful protests are against unrestrained violence!



Stoirm Pholaitíochta

Political Storm!

It is a coincidence that I recently had a column entitled 'Unbridled Greed', discussing the abuse of power in various fields - including the political field. I read some news recently that shocked and appalled me - the leader of the DUP, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, had resigned, accused of 'historical' sexual allegations. My first thought was 'unbelievable'! But then, the subject of my column came back to me, and then I thought maybe it wasn't so incredible after all. Things like that happen often in the United States, and usually, after politicians deny the charges, for the most part they end up being convicted. Although Jeffrey Donaldson's case doesn't look too good, let's leave it to the court to work out if he is guilty. Regardless, politicians in the North will soon have to contend with a new political landscape, and perhaps forge a new vision in the process. Political stability will be in the balance, and it is now quite difficult to predict what will happen. In the interim, who is Jeffrey Donaldson, and what are the implications of the new DUP leadership?

Jeffrey Donaldson

In 1968, as front bench spokesman in the British Government, Enoch Powell gave a controversial speech about 'Rivers of Blood', inciting his followers to hate people of color. As a result of his speech, he was sacked as speaker, but he remained an unwelcome member of the Conservative Party until 1974. In October 1974, Powell found refuge in the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) with the loyalists describing him as a prophet, and then he was elected as an MP in Down South. Powell said in one speech that all political careers eventually fail – something he himself knew well.

Jeffrey's cousin, Samuel Donaldson, was killed in an IRA bombing in 1970, while working for the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). That inspired Jeffrey Donaldson to political life.

Jeffrey Donaldson began his own political career some 40 years ago as a constituency agent for Enoch Powell from 1983 to 1985. In 1985, he began working as a personal assistant to former Ulster Unionist Party leader James Molyneaux.

In 1997, when Mr Molyneaux resigned, Jeffrey Donaldson succeeded in taking the Lagan Valley seat. In 2003, amid opposition to the Good Friday Agreement and David Trimble's leadership, he left the UUP and joined the DUP with Arlene Foster. He was appointed as DUP leader in 2021, after Edwin Poots resigned after just three weeks in the role.

As leader of the DUP, Jeffrey Donaldson led a two-year boycott of Northern Ireland's political institutions in Stormont, in protest at post-Brexit trade arrangements. After long negotiations, the DUP agreed to return to Stormont in February, 2024, having secured a new agreement and a series of declarations regarding the constitutional position of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom. The serious allegations occurred when Jeffrey Donaldson was at the top of his game. As for what his mentor, Enoch Powell said – that all political careers eventually fail – the prophecy might well come true in the case of Jeffrey Donaldson.

What can be done now?

When the allegations came to light, DUP party officials suspended Jeffrey Donaldson from the party and unanimously appointed deputy leader Gavin Robinson as interim leader. Mr Robinson is the MP for East Belfast and became deputy leader of the DUP in June 2023. He is a former Lord Mayor of Belfast and was first elected to parliament in 2015. His political stance is almost identical to Jeffrey Donaldson's stance, and he ran a successful leadership campaign for him in 2021.

According to Sinn Féin and the DUP, there is no risk to the political stability of the North. Although I don't believe that to be true, I understand that that is the best thing for them to say. The political ecosystem is now fragile, and easy to break. The ink is not yet dry on Jeffrey Donaldson's decision to end the Stormont boycott, a decision for which he did not have strong support in the DUP. There is a good chance that those who are against that decision would take the opportunity to reopen it and take a step back. On the other side of the argument, there is a lot of pressure on the DUP not to go back to a dysfunctional system in the North, a system where everyone suffers, including their own supporters.

Let's all hope that all political parties in the North and especially the DUP will have a little sense and concern in this hour of decision, and in that way peace will prevail. As we all know, we can never take the political situation for granted, especially in the North!


Tuairisc ó Mheiriceá – An Searmanas Seamróige!

Opinion from America - The Shamrock Ceremony!

Opinion from America - The Shamrock Ceremony!

Many people in Ireland were demanding that the meeting between Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and the President of the United States Joe Biden be canceled as a protest against the support given by the United States of America (USA) to Israel during its horrific attacks in Gaza. More than 30,000 people were killed there, most of them civilians. Around 250 people are killed on average every day in the Strip – six times more than in the war in Ukraine. There can be no excuse for the destruction and looting that is going on in Gaza - including the Holocaust. It needs to be stopped immediately. This is an unmitigated shame, and the USA is indirectly to blame, as they are a facilitator. In addition to financial and military aid, the US also provides large-scale political support to Israel. The US has vetoed 83 UN Security Council resolutions. 42 of those were against criticizing Israel and the most recent one (on October 18, 2023) against a humanitarian pause in the Gaza Strip.

After thinking it over, Varadkar decided to make the visit to Washington, instead of turning his back on Biden. He was determined to express a strong position to Biden, criticizing the policies of the genocide that are being implemented by Israel, and that it is unacceptable for the western world to support Israel in relation to the same policies.

The Shamrock Ceremony

Varadkar attended the events celebrating St. Patrick's Day. An important part of the celebration is the visit of the Taoiseach to the White House to chat with the President of the United States, face to face. That is a great privilege, and no other country, especially a small country, is able to have such a chance, year after year. As important as it is, I was very pleased that Varadkar did not cancel that annual meeting. Also, isn't it better to have a difficult conversation, instead of a boycott?

The two had a private conversation at first, discussing many topics. Biden and Varadkar then gave speeches. Varadkar bluntly said that the problem for the Irish people is that the US is still giving military support to the Israelis, despite what the Israeli military forces (IDF) are doing in Gaza. At the same time, he accepted that the US was working hard to enforce a ceasefire in Gaza. It's interesting that Biden agreed with everything Varadkar said, but actions speak louder than words, and Biden's words and actions are in disagreement so far.

Here are a few excerpts from Varadkar's speech:

“Almost 250 years ago, we Irish were in the American War of Independence. Exactly 100 years ago, the United States became the first country to formally recognize the newly independent State of Ireland and establish diplomatic relations.”

"And tonight, let us all reflect on the words of President Kennedy when he urged us to do 'the most important work of peace' to protect the weak and the small, as he said in the Irish Parliament: ' from Cork to the Congo, from Galway to the Gaza Strip'.

"Mr President, as you know, the people of Ireland are very worried about the disaster that is unfolding before our eyes in Gaza. As I travel the world, leaders often ask me why the Irish have so much compassion for the Palestinian people. The answer is simple: we see our history in their eyes. A story of displacement and dispossession, national identity questioned and denied, forced emigration, discrimination, and now - hunger.

So we support your work and the work of your administration, to achieve a humanitarian ceasefire and to create space for lasting peace.

The people of Gaza are in desperate need of food, medicine and shelter. But especially they need the bombs to stop. This has to stop. On both sides. The hostages taken back home. And humanitarian relief allowed to come in.

Israel must reverse its rash decision regarding the ground invasion in Rafah.

And after 100 years of violence, as you said, the only way forward for security is to have two peaceful and sovereign states, side by side.

Ireland is ready to recognize a Palestinian state with like-minded partners at the right time in terms of peace.

Mr. President, we also see the history of Israel in our eyes. A diaspora whose heart was in Ireland generation after generation. A revived nation-state. And the revival of the language.

I believe that it is possible to be pro-Israel and pro-Palestine and I believe you believe the same.

Because the life of a Palestinian child has the same status as the life of an Israeli child.

And that the ambition of the Palestinian people to have their own homeland, a full-fledged State in the land of their ancestors, is on par with having a state for the people of Israel.

I also believe that there are lessons that can be learned from our own peace process in Ireland. A concept of equal respect and the importance of relationships in particular.

And also the vital role of America, personified by the chairman of our peace talks, Senator George Mitchell. There was a permanent secretariat based on American trust and oversight.”


The Taoiseach's speech tells its own story, and I think we all agree with what he had to say to Biden. I think things are going in the right direction but at a snail's pace. But I also think it's no coincidence that more is happening after the meeting between them than before. That is a small beacon of hope, and maybe there is a small chance that there will be a ceasefire in Gaza before long.

As a final word, Varadkar has announced that he will be stepping down from his role as Taoiseach and leader of Fine Gael. "After seven years, I'm not the best person for the job anymore," he said. I wiish you well in your endeavours, Leo!


Go raibh míle maith agaibh!

Thank you very much!

I was very proud of my fellow countryman Cillian Murphy last night, when he won the Oscar for Best Actor at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles - Cillian is the first ever Irish-born man to achieve this feat. I can't even imagine how proud the people of Cork are of him, and also the people of Corca Dhuibhne, where his family has a holiday home.

The film Oppenheimer won seven of the 13 awards it was nominated for! Christopher Nolan received two awards, one for Best Director and the other for Best Film. Robert Downey Jr. received award for Best Supporting Actor. There is no doubt about the alliance between Cillian and Chris Nolan, as they have worked together many times over the years. They started working together on the film 'Batman Begins' in 2005, and continued with a series of successful films: 'The Dark Knight' (2008), 'Inception' (2010), 'The Dark Knight Rises' ( 2012), 'Dunkirk' (2017) and 'Oppenheimer' (2023). Cillian landed the lead role in Oppenheimer, and Chris Nolan is said to have asked him to take the role, after seeing Cillian in the TV series 'Peaky Blinders'.

There was intense competition between the actors who were nominated for the Best Male Actor award. Bradley Cooper, Colman Domingo, Paul Giamatti and Jeffrey Wright were also nominated for that award, with leading roles in the films 'Maestro', 'Rustin', 'The Holdovers' and 'American Fiction', respectively. But Cillian was the favourite from the start, and he easily fulfilled that prophecy!

Oscar acceptance speech

'Oppenheimer' is not my favorite film, in particular because of the story and plot. But I have to admit that it is a great piece of cinematography. To be fair, the film deserved every award. And Cillian's acceptance speech really impressed me – more than the film itself!

He said: " I’m a little overwhelmed. Thank you to the Academy. Chris Nolan and Emma Thomas, it’s been the wildest, most exhilarating, most creatively, satisfying journey you’ve taken me on over the last 20 years. I owe you more than I can say, thank you so much. Every single crew member, every single cast member on Oppenheimer you guys carried me through. All my fellow nominees, I remain in awe of you guys, truly. "I want to thank my incredible team. Big shout out to Craig Bankey, Brendan Murphy, Mary Murphy, Yvonne McGuinness, my partner in life and art, my two boys Malachy and Aran who are sitting up there, I love you so much and I’m a very proud Irishman standing here tonight. "You know, we made a film about the man who created the atomic bomb and for better or for worse we’re all living in Oppenheimer’s world, so I’d really like to dedicate this to the peacemakers everywhere. Go raibh míle maith agaibh."

Cúpla Focal

Isn't that a great speech? I think every Irishman in the world was very proud of Cillian, not only because of the Oscar he won, but because of that beautiful speech he gave with confidence. It has long been a habit of British presenters to say that successful Irish people who win awards are British - Irish people like Paul Mescal, Michael Fassbinder and of course, Cillian Murphy. As usual, it happened again on ITV when Jonathan Ross referred to Cillian as a British star. But after Cillian's speech, Ross had to apologize and admit that Cillian is Irish. Irish people don't let things like that happen anymore, I think! As Breandán Ó Murchú, Cillian's father, said about his son, on the show 'An Saol Ó Dheas' with the famous presenter Helen Ní Shé: "He probably has confidence in himself. I don't think he has to pretend. He can speak confidently, which used not be common either. We were different, I guess. We thought, for example, a long time ago, if people had a different accent - the English when they came for example - we thought that there was something special about that, that they were better than us.

But the Irish now, the young people, they're happy to get out there and speak out confidently and they're all doing it and that's a very good thing."

It is also noteworthy that Cillian spoke a few important words at the end of his speech, when he said, in Irish: "Thank you very much!" That topped off a great night for all of us, on possibly the biggest stage in the world! I have no second choice now, but to write these last words: Go raibh míle maith agat, a Chillian!





There is a lot of negative public discussion about immigration these days. When a building is set aside to shelter immigrants, there are those who think it is a good idea to burn that building to the ground. Isn't that terrible? Especially when you look back at our own history. For example, there is a lot of information about emigration from our own country on the site: When John F. Kennedy was on his Presidential visit to Ireland in June, 1963, he said: Most countries export oil or iron, steel or gold, or some other crop, but Ireland has only one export and that is its people. .”

Ireland is the country in Europe most affected by emigration in the last two hundred years. In total, approximately ten million people emigrated from the island of Ireland from 1800 onwards. In the late eighties, more than half a million Irish people (~16%) left their own country. 70,000 people left in 1989 alone – a few years before the arrival of the Celtic Tiger. Then, the economy collapsed in 2008, and another 630,000 left the country between 2008 and 2015.

However, our emigrants are now almost forgotten, I think, and instead the emphasis is strongly on immigration - both legal and illegal. That is a great pity, in my opinion, and I think it is a good thing to always have both things in mind - immigration and emigration. Otherwise, we will not learn what we should do about immigration policies, when we already know it from our own history.

Long before the time of the Celtic Tiger, many people were coming across the southern border in Mexico to America in search of a new life there – and still are. It has been a bone of contention for a long time here between the political parties. Everyone agrees that there is a big problem to solve, but there are big differences between the approach of the Democrats and the Republicans in America. We saw Trump's brutal approach on behalf of the Republicans, and 5,500 children separated from their parents because of his immigration policy. Many of the parents were imprisoned, and the rest were deported to their native land. The children were taken into protective custody by the government. That is disgraceful misconduct, and a violation of human rights, no doubt. Hundreds of children are still without their parents, as a result of that brutal policy. Things are not so bad in Ireland regarding immigrants, but they are too great at the same time. If the hatred and resentment fueled by extremists against immigrants is not curbed, there is a great risk that things will get worse and people will be killed before long. What kind of solution is that? The government has an obligation to bring security matters under control without delay.

Our story

There are many Irish people who are emigrants – including my wife and myself. We didn't know in 1986, when we first went to America, that we would stay there forever. My employer in Ireland at the time – IBM Ireland – gave me a short-term job in California. It was for two years, but after a year, I was asked to come home. To tell the truth, we weren't ready to come home at the time. Sinéad was working on her PhD dissertation at the university (UCLA). So I got another job with another company. All went well! One year passed and then another, and bit by bit, almost without our knowing it, we put down tentative roots. Over time, the roots grew stronger and then we had a child. We bought our first house! Sinéad completed her studies, obtained a PhD in archeology and then got a job. I myself graduated with a master's degree in electrical engineering. It was abundantly clear to everyone else that we weren't coming back to Ireland anytime soon. Eventually, it also became clear to us that we would spend our working lives in America. Don't touch it if it ain't broke, so to speak. We were able to visit Ireland every summer for a month and finally we were able to buy a house in County Kilkenny. As we are both retired now, we are able to spend a good while in Ireland every year. Going through the immigration process was quite difficult, but the government treated us fairly. We were never discriminated against in America either, and we had the same opportunities as anyone else. I strongly believe that America has given us great opportunities, and in return we have given much more money to the government than we have received from it.

Immigration is, in fact, the lifeblood of the economy, and overall immigrants strengthen their new country in a number of ways. That is not to say that any country should have open borders, but it should not only have reasonable policies but also a welcoming society, which treats people trying to enter, and immigrants living in Ireland already.




Urchair rabhaidh scaoilte!

Warning shots fired!

It is as if many of us were dreaming but we are all awake now! We were not at all expecting what happened in the center of the capital recently.

Horrible attack

Three children and their care assistant were joining a queue outside their school, Gaelscoil Coláiste Mhuire in Parnell Square, when they were attacked by a man. He stabbed them with a knife and seriously injured two of them – a five-year-old girl and the care assistant, a woman in her thirties. They are still in hospital receiving treatment, at the time of writing. As bad as things were, they would have been much worse without the bravery shown by people, especially two immigrants.

Caio Benicio

Mr Benicio, a native of Brazil, who was working for the Deliveroo service and was driving his motorbike at the time of the attack, said he slowed down when he saw what was happening.

"It was native instinct," said Caio. “I remember taking off my helmet to protect myself and use it as a weapon. I hit the attacker in the head with all my strength. And he fell down.”

Thanks to his sharp mind and brave action, that terrible attack was stopped, and the guards arrested the attacker. The attacker himself is currently in hospital.

Leo Villamayor

A Filipino nurse was walking to the Gresham hotel, when he saw the attack. Nurse Leo Villamayor said: “I saw this little girl, she was running and then everything stopped, and she fell in a heap on the ground. She had shortness of breath and was in urgent need of medical attention. I started doing chest compressions on her. Suddenly, I heard the ambulance behind us, I heard the defibrillator, and someone pushed me out of the way. Two men put the defibrillator on her chest, and then a woman next to me took over. It was like a scene from a movie, all in slow motion.” Leo may have saved that girl's life when he immediately jumped in to help her.


Around 500 rioters gathered after the attack and caused massive damage in the city centre. And that's no coincidence! Messages went out online on social media and chat groups, wrongly saying that the attacker was an illegal immigrant - an Irish citizen, living in the country for the past 20 years, and that they should gather in the middle of the city with anti-immigration protest rally. Several police cars, three buses and a light rail train were burned. More than a dozen shops were looted. Police said they arrested 48 people, most of whom were issued summonses for riotous behaviour, assault and theft. The Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, said the government will introduce two key pieces of legislation within weeks. Police will be empowered to use facial recognition technology to track CCTV footage of the riot. They will also be empowered to prosecute the perpetrators of online hate speech.


You wouldn't believe something like this could happen here in Ireland. That was the instinctive response of many people. But on the other hand, there were signs that things were getting out of control in the last few years. For example, a few people were badly attacked in the summer in Dublin city centre. A Ukrainian actor was badly attacked in June just outside the Abbey Theatre. In July, an American tourist was attacked and seriously injured near his accommodation in the city centre. Afterwards, Justice Minister Helen McEntee said she had been in contact with the Garda about the investigation. "The message will be sent with a strong and firm response that we will not tolerate this bullying on our streets." When asked about the attacks on the Ukrainian actress and the American tourist, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said there would be "a strong response from the Government in terms of civil penalties and in terms of increasing Garda resources". But – they did nothing in the interim and look what happened! Right-wing extremists are radicalizing people and using the internet to incite and spread racial hatred. They organize violent protests every chance they get, including this recent protest. The government needs to be monitoring the internet to get early warning so they can protect the public from ugly violence like we've seen recently. Our government has been indifferent in carrying out its business up to now. If a strong plan is not put in place soon, things will get worse, and it will be much more difficult to solve this existential, threatening crisis then!
