Litir ó Mheiriceá – Cruachás na bhfostaithe feidearálacha!

Letter from America - The plight of federal employees!

The Enemy Within

Everything is upside down in the United States of America (USA) right now, and it is a great pity. No other country can trust the USA anymore. It feels like President Trump is turning to the other side – the side of Russia. He is giving Russia the benefit of the doubt, while at the same time turning his back on his Allies, the European Union (including Ireland!), Ukraine, Canada and Mexico, to name just a few. This story will end badly, no doubt.

Even in the United States itself, Trump and his cronies are treating a large portion of their own citizens as if they were the enemy. His big ally, Elon Musk, is firing thousands of government employees, in a way that is brutal and cruel and, apparently, illegal. It reminds me of a movie called ‘Up in the Air’, starring George Clooney, and he has to fire people all over the country. When his boss suggests that he do his work on ‘Zoom’ or something similar, he has a big problem with that approach, because he has a conscience.

Musk goes a few steps further than that, because he fired many people at the same time, with a single email. He has no idea what he is doing, and many people are suffering as a result. Here are a few personal stories from people who have recently lost their federal jobs.

Samantha Leach

Samantha Leach was happy eight months ago. She landed the job she loved at the Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing, working with a team that respected her skills and dedication.

That joy was dashed earlier this month. She learned (via email) that she was among thousands of federal government employees on probation who were suddenly laid off. The insult was compounded when she read that she had failed to perform her duties on the job. But Samantha received the highest rating - five out of five, in her most recent performance review.

“I was good, very good at the job I was assigned. I did everything right - literally! But despite everything, I was shown the door. That was a terrible blow, for someone like me who just wants to be where I fit in, contributing to the success of the federal government.”

Tony Ruiz

Tony Ruiz, of Orange County, California, was fired on February 3, just ten days before his probationary period as a Service Representative working for the Department of Veterans Affairs was to end.

The disabled army veteran said he was hired after 15 years in the private sector to help veterans with their benefit claims — for example, help with paperwork to approve a medical procedure or to enroll a spouse in a policy. Tony said he often handles up to 40 claims a day.

He was shocked and appalled when he read in his termination letter that his standard of work was unacceptable. Last August, Tony became the first employee in his department to win an “employee of the quarter” award, which came with a $1,000 cash prize.

“You’re telling me (that) one of the best employees, who was awarded money, and was employee of the quarter ... is a worthless person?” he said.

Tony found it hard to even leave the house at first and is taking some time to come to terms with what happened to him.

“I’m heartbroken, I’m devastated,” Tony said. “I don’t think any American federal employee, especially a veteran, deserves this.”


Musk and his team have done a lot of damage to the federal government and its employees. We saw Musk on stage with a chainsaw, showing how focused he is on cost-cutting measures in the government. Musk has likely overstepped his authority and violated laws that protect federal employees. He has targeted the FAA (Federal Aviation Authority), USAID (United States Agency for International Development), and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), even trying to shut down USAID. Musk behaves as if the US government is part of his business. But the government is not there to make a profit, but for the benefit of the people of the country.

Trump’s ministers are not happy with the current state of affairs and Musk’s interference in their affairs. While Musk has given the boot to many people, the political responsibility for what he has done lies solely with the ministers. There was a heated meeting at the White House recently, with Trump, his ministers, and Musk in the room. There was a big argument between Musk and a few Secretaries, and in particular Secretary of State Marco Rubio, who heads USAID. The decision was made that Musk would no longer be able to directly give the sack to federal employees. He will put forward proposals on the subject, but the Secretaries will have the power to accept or reject them.

There is a power struggle going on between Musk and Trump’s ministers. Musk has been dealt a blow by the decision to make him an advocate without any power of action. But that is not a fatal blow, and I think Musk will not give up without a fight. But Trump’s ministers should have the power, so they will probably win the day. Without a doubt, Musk’s plan is falling apart, and he and Trump are up to their necks in lawsuits. In addition, public discontent with Musk’s actions is growing. It is clear that Trump or his ministers will have no desire to go further down the same road. Trump himself said they need to use a scalpel instead of an axe, because he understands the political risks of Musk's approach so far. I hope the US government will treat the federal workforce fairly, and stop mistreating these fine, honest people who are the backbone of the government!







Litir ó Mheiriceá – Toghchán Mór i Meiriceá!

Letter from America - Big Election in America!

Litir ó Mheiriceá - Toghchán Mór i Meiriceá!

As I write this column, the Presidential election is underway in America. I studied the system of government here in the United States in depth before I cast my own vote. I'll share a summary of it here, along with a few implications, which could be very important, especially if Trump wins the Presidency.


Cé nár mhaith le go leor Meiriceánaigh é a admháil, ba é fealsamh ón Fhrainc darbh ainm Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, a raibh an tionchar is mó aige ar bhunreacht na Stát Aontaithe. Smaoinigh Montesquieu ar struchtúr rialtais nua, a mhol sé mar ‘trias politica’nó scaradh cumhachtaí ina leabhar cáiliúil “De l’Esprit des lois” (Maidir le Brí Dlíthe) foilsithe sa bhliain 1748. Sa leabhar sin, mhínigh sé go mbeadh sé níos fearr cumhachtaí rialtais a scaradh amach i dtrí pháirt: cumhacht reachtach, cumhacht bhreithiúnach agus cumhacht feidhmiúcháin. Leis an struchtúr sin, bheadh idir shrianta agus cheartúcháin sa chóras, ionas nach mbeadh aon pháirt amháin in ann an ceann is fearr a fháil ar aon pháirt eile. Chuir bunaitheoirí bhunreacht Mheiriceá an prionsabal sin i bhfeidhm nuair a dhear siad an rialtas feidearálach, ina bhfuil brainse reachtach (Comhdháil na Stáit Aontaithe idir Theach na nIonadaithe agus Seanad), brainse breithiúnach (An Chúirt Uachtarach agus Cúirteanna Feidearálacha na Stáit Aontaithe) agus brainse feidhmiúcháin (Uachtarán na Stáit Aontaithe agus a riarachán).

Other Federal Elections

I got my ballot a few weeks ago, and I have to say I had some work to do to sort out my choices. In addition to the famous Presidential election, there are many other elections taking place at the same time. The United States has a hierarchical system, with multiple levels (Federal, State, County, City). But even with respect to the federal elections, all seats in the House of Representatives (435) and 33 (out of 100) seats in the Senate are on the ballot on a national basis. In addition to voting for President, I will be able to cast my vote for Senator in California and for Representative (in the House of Representatives) in my congressional district.

Two Party System

The system of government in the United States is a two-party system (the Democratic Party and the Republican Party), which happened by accident and not on purpose. In both the Senate and the House of Representatives, the Party with the majority has more power. That is important, because no legislation is passed without the approval of both Houses (both the House of Representatives and the Senate), and finally the approval of the President. That is why it is difficult to pass legislation in the United States. You would think that if one Party had the Presidency and the majority in both Houses (as happens from time to time and could happen in this election), then it would be easy to pass legislation. But even then, it's not too easy. Although only a simple majority (more than half) is required in the House of Representatives, a supermajority (60 Senators out of 100) is usually required in favor of legislation in the Senate before it is given its seal of approval. It is not often that at least 60 Senators from one Party sit in the Senate. Therefore, the Senators from the minority Party in the Senate are able to demand significant changes in legislation before giving it their blessing. There is a formal process to discuss such changes, in an attempt to gain agreement in Congress on the proposed legislation. If Congress reaches agreement on changed legislation, that new legislation needs to go through the approval process all over again. If that new legislation is accepted in both Houses, the President still has an opportunity to veto it. While Congress can override a Presidential veto, that is very difficult to do, and rarely happens.


According to the polls, the three federal races are neck and neck, for both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. The Presidential election is a strange election, as one candidate can win even if the other candidate receives a majority of the votes. This can happen because a selection process called an 'electoral college' is used. It is a complex process that is unfortunately not fully representative. I do not have space to discuss this complex process here, but this process is mentioned in the country's constitution, and therefore it is very difficult to change it (around 700 attempts have been made to change it up to now). Because of that process, my Presidential vote here in California is not worth a dime and the people in the 'Swing States' will be choosing the President for the entire country. The States in question are: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina and Nevada. But I will cast my vote for Kamala Harris, regardless of the impact of my vote on the outcome.

But, and this is my central point, I am able to cast my vote for a Senator in the Senate and for a Representative in the House of Representatives. And my vote will make a difference to them. Adam Schiff (Democrat) is standing against Steve Garvey (Republican) in the Senate election in California, and according to the polls there is a good chance that Schiff will win. I will support him anyway and cast my vote for him. By the way, Trump hates Schiff (he calls him 'shifty Schiff') and with that, I have plenty of justification to vote for Schiff!

For the House of Representatives, I am in the 49th Congressional district, where the incumbent Representative, Mike Levin (Democrat), is running against Matt Gunderson (Republican). While Mike Levin is leading in the polls, Matt Gunderson is improving his rating. I will cast my vote for Levin, and this is undoubtedly an important vote. Why? Well, if the Democrats were able to achieve a majority in the House of Representatives, they would be able to block legislation that the Democratic Party disagrees with - regardless of whether Trump is in office as President or the republicans have the majority in the Senate. There will not be 60 Republican Senators in the Senate, and therefore, the Democrats will be able to block legislation in the Senate as well, if necessary.


Although I don't have a say in the Presidential election, I do have a say regarding a Senator in the Senate and a Representative in the House of Representatives, and it makes a big difference how many Democrats there are in the Senate and the House of Representatives. So, I have an indirect say in how much power Trump would wield, should he win. I will therefore take full advantage of my vote, in an effort to preserve democracy in this country. And to people in Ireland, I will say this: if Trump were to be elected President of America, that does not mean that he will have unlimited power - he will not! While it is often frustrating for us in America to push for changes in the federal government, in the case that Trump were in office trying to be a dictator, that would be a good thing. It would be difficult, even for Trump, to effect change, regardless of which Party is in power in the Senate and the House of Representatives! But let's hope he won't have that opportunity in the first place, even if there would be other problems to solve!












Tuairisc ó Mheiriceá -An Deighilt Mhór

Report from America - The Great Divide

I watched the vice presidential debate between J.D. Vance (Republican) and Tim Walz (Democrat) at the end of September 2024. This debate was in stark contrast to the two presidential debates that preceded it, one between Trump and Biden and another between Trump and Harris. As the world knows, Biden had a bad day in the first presidential debate and had no defense against Trump, who told lie after lie. In the second presidential debate, Harris clearly won, but they were on the offensive one minute and then on the defensive the next, and the people of the country didn't hear much about the topics that mattered most to them. Their attention was more on their public image, and on making little of their opponent. But in the vice presidential debate, the candidates discussed important issues - including abortion, immigration and school shootings. Vance and Walz respected each other, even though they both attacked the others’s presidential candidate. The following are the highlights of the debate, in my opinion.

Health Care

Vance was asked why Trump only had a concept for a new health care plan. Would Vance be able to confirm that Americans would not pay more if they had any pre-existing health conditions. "In fact, they would have health insurance coverage if they had any pre-existing health conditions!" replied Vance. But Trump never declared what he would do in that situation. Vance also declined to discuss the details of Trump's plan, saying it would be boring to discuss a 900-page bill on the debate stage. He also said that Trump supported Obama's plan, the 'Affordable Care Act' (ACA). Walz said Trump promised in 2016 to repeal Obama's plan, and he almost succeeded except that Senator John McCain stood up for it.


Vance went on the attack, blaming vice president Kamala Harris for the problems with illegal immigration at the US-Mexico border. He referred to her as 'Border czar'. Walz then criticized former president Trump, saying he blocked a bipartisan bill that would have tackled the same problems, and did it to gain an advantage in his presidential campaign.


Vance was battling the odds on this issue and took a cautious approach here. Vance said it would be ideal if each State were able to put its own laws in place regarding abortion. Walz said it is a basic human right, so it is a federal duty to protect that right for everyone in the country, regardless of the country's layout. Vance acknowledged that the Republican Party needs to do a better job of providing fertility treatment and affordable housing. Vance is a smart man and he wanted to attract votes from the people who are currently undecided.

Gun Violence

Vance and Walz agreed that the situation is bad and getting worse when it comes to gun violence, especially in schools. They agreed that the problem needs to be tackled. But they did not agree on an approach to solve the problem. Vance admitted that there were many reasons behind the problem - and in particular mental health problems and drug abuse. Walz didn't agree with that. "Sometimes it's the guns, just the guns!" he said. And "Having a mental health problem doesn't mean you're a violent person."

January 6

It was clear that there was a big divide between Vance and Walz about what happened on January 6, 2021. When they were discussing the uprising and the false claims that Trump claimed to have won the presidential election, Walz asked Vance directly: "Did he (Trump) lose the 2020 election?" "Tim, I'm focused on the future", Vance replied. "That's a damning non-answer!" said Walz. Later, Walz said: “Here we are 4 years later, in the same situation. The winner must be the winner. This has to stop. It's tearing us apart."

Vance's change of heart

Vance was asked why he had a change of heart about Trump. He criticized Trump harshly in 2020 but is very much in favor of him now. Vance blamed the media, saying they misled him with lies about Trump. He said that Trump also made good on his promises to the people of the country as president.

Tiananmen Square

In 2009, Walz said he was in Hong Kong when the Tiananmen Square protests were taking place. But he was in Nebraska at the time. When asked about that, he waffled about it for a long time. When the question was put again, he finally admitted that he had made a mistake.


J.D. Vance is the master of smooth talk. Vance, without a doubt. J.D. Vance had the opportunities that Tim Walz didn't have. As Walz said: “I grew up in a small town – Butte, Nebraska, population 400 – and there were 24 students in my high school class. And not one of them attended Yale.” Walz was trying to say that he was a normal person, unlike Vance. Perhaps it was also a kind of excuse, because Vance was better on the debate stage. But does it matter? The central question is which presidential candidate should be chosen. And on that issue, it is clear that Trump is a danger to America and the world, and that it would be completely wrong to re-elect him as president.

Although J.D. Vance can dazzle people with his smooth speech, talk is cheap. Despite Vance's platitudes, there is no way it would be right to put the convicted criminal, Donald Trump, back in office. That was very clear, when Vance refused to answer the question posed by Walz: “Trump is still saying he didn't lose the election. Did he lose the 2020 election?”











Gaelú nó Galldú!

Gaelicization or Foreignization!

Rich countries’ problems!

All the media is packed with news and lies these days about the foreigners who are already here, not to mention the foreigners who will soon be trying to enter the country. However, we need to separate the wheat from the chaff, think for ourselves and do the right thing regarding the foreigners in our midst.

Needless to say, each has their own reason for making that trip to Ireland. For one, it is seeking asylum. For another, it is to seek work, and in the case of still others, it is to seek education and training.

Although we have a 'hundred thousand welcome' to the tourists who come to visit Ireland, the same story is not always the case regarding the foreigners who live in the country. When they started coming to Ireland around 30 years ago, at first we were not too keen on sharing our little island with people from outside. At the same time, we ourselves were welcomed abroad for generations, and therefore, when we understood what exactly was happening, we understood that we had an obligation to do our best to meet that need. Ireland make an agreement with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and with the European Union, to serve a share of people from other countries who need asylum. In addition to those, we decided to admit those seeking education and training and also to admit a certain number of workers per year.

Demographic change

The migrants continued to mingle in year after year until, at the moment, a total number of migrants has a large number settled among us (around 12%). There is no point in asking if we should let those people into this country, as they are already with us, and all we have to do now is take advantage of the situation as it is.

It cannot be denied that there are incalculable advantages attached to all this immigration. It provides essential workers for our economic system, when we ourselves could not meet that demand. Yes, and that keeps the wheels of the economy grinding at speed, which helps us to provide a better life for all our people, both Irish and Foreign.

In the case of the students, such a thing was always welcomed among us, or our ancestors respected and respected learning, for generations. In the case of those who sought asylum, unfortunately, they were not always taken care of, negative stereotypes about them were (and still are) spread and some of them were also sometimes discriminated against. To add insult to injury, we initially did not have a very satisfactory system to process them and provide them with decent shelter.

The Right thing to do

So we must look ahead, and make arrangements to welcome all these strangers, who have chosen our land, as a new home for themselves and their descendants. No doubt in the world, some of these migrants will go back home again to their own countries, but many of them will also stay, and if we are wise and intelligent, we will all try to attract these people into our community . Not because we have no second choice but to do so, but because it is in our interest to do so.

More Irish than the Irish themselves!

How can that be done, right?

Well, it can be done by sharing our whole life with them, and letting them be (on the) inside, in every aspect of that same life. We can improve our system for asylum seekers. Although the government is making progress, there are many other improvements that could be made. Let foreigners be welcome in the Army, the Garda Síochána, and the Defense Forces, together. Also, they should be encouraged to participate in the Education System, including the Law and Justice System, Matters of Culture and Language and of Sports. Let no aspect of national life be closed against them. If they are willing to accept us as a people, then shouldn't we accept them as Irish? If we are willing to do that, they may become more Irish than the Irish themselves, just like what happened to others who came to us in olden times. May that day not be far off.



Athbheochan na hÚcráinise!

Revival of the Ukrainian Language!


Ukraine gained its independence in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the time, the revival of Ukrainian, the country's native language, was promised. It is a miracle that it was still alive, as the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union did so much damage to the Ukrainian people, culture and language over the centuries. Another miracle is underway in Ukraine right now, regarding the revival of Ukrainian. Before I reveal that miracle, it is worth writing a few words about how difficult it was for the Ukrainians to preserve their culture and language through the unique crises that happened to them over the years. With that knowledge, we will have a deeper understanding of the miracle itself.

Shortly after she came to power in 1762, the Russian Empress Catherine II banned the teaching of Ukrainian at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, the most important cultural center in Ukraine at the time. Later on, she gave orders to the churches to conduct church services only in Russian and to the schools to have Russian as a compulsory subject.

In the 19th century, the Russian Empire repeatedly persecuted the Ukrainian culture and especially the Ukrainian language, fearing that it would be a great threat to the unity of the Empire. In 1804 Ukrainian was banned as a subject and language of instruction in schools.

But even more severe measures followed in 1863 when the Imperial Minister of Home Affairs Pyotr Valuev issued a manifesto to end the publication of books in Ukrainian. According to the manifesto, "'Little Russian' (meaning Ukrainian) has never existed and will never exist."

In 1922, shortly after the Russian Revolution, Ukraine was absorbed into the Soviet Union, where new policies were implemented, known as 'Ukrainization'. It was a complete change and there was no longer any ban on the use of Ukrainian.

The 'Ukrainization' was short-lived, however, as the dictator Joseph Stalin canceled it in 1933. Worse than that, a good number of Ukrainian intellectuals, including famous writers and artists, were killed in the 'Great Purge' in 1937. After Stalin's death in 1953, a cultural revival flourished and in addition, a new generation of writers and artists emerged.

When Ukraine gained its independence in 1991, the government pledged to support culture and language. But the negative influence of Russia on the Ukrainian language was still visible in the new country and long after that, Ukrainian television, its newspapers, and even the names of its streets were still mostly in Russian. It wasn't time yet.

With the EuroMaidan Revolution in 2013-2014, a pro-Kremlin regime was ousted and replaced by a pro-Ukraine regime. Vladimir Putin did not accept that, and Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Soon after, Russia invaded eastern Ukraine, seizing parts of the self-governing regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Strict restrictions were placed on the use of Ukrainian in those occupied territories as part of the occupation.

Finally in 2019, the Language Act was passed in Ukraine, which established Ukrainian as the country's official language, forcing the media, the education system and public bodies to use the language publicly.

Then, in the year 2022, Putin's forces brutally attacked Ukraine, and although Putin thought he would win within a few days, the war is still ongoing two and a half years after the attacks. With Russian imperialism in full swing, the Ukrainian revival took off. The people of the country were single-mindedly committed to speaking their native language, regardless of their ability in the language. It was then that the miracle happened and the facts tell the story. Eight months after the attack, 71% of the country's population said they were speaking Ukrainian more, and 33% of Kyiv residents switched from Russian to Ukrainian as their spoken language.

From April 2023, anyone trying to become a citizen needs to pass Ukrainian exams (written exam and oral exam). "We are going through the rebirth of the language. We're just discovering what we've always had,” said Volodymyr Dibrova, a writer and translator who teaches Ukrainian at Harvard. Neither religion nor territory, but language, said Dibrova, is the factor that most significantly distinguishes them from their enemy. "It is as if the people of the country have woken up and are asking themselves: Who are we? What is our real history? What is our real language? If Ukrainian is our real language, why don't we speak it all the time? Why don't we speak Ukrainian as the language of our relationships and at all events - both formal and informal?" The answers were very clear to the people of the country, and they understood well that their language is a key part of their identity as a community and as a nation. That's why they started learning or re-learning it and speaking it as much as they could. They realized that their culture and especially their language was intertwined with their national identity. And they went into the breach and stood up for that same identity!

I highly recommend everything that the people of Ukraine are doing regarding their language, despite the fierce war that is going on. It also raises a few questions for us, regarding our culture and our language. Who are we? What is our real history? What is our real language? If Irish is our real language, why don't we speak it all the time? Why don't we speak Irish as the language of our relationships and at all events – both formal and informal? And finally the most important question for us to answer – what needs to happen to us so that we wake up from our stupor before it is too late and save our language – short of war?

Tuairisc ó Mheiriceá – tír gafa idir dhá thine Bhealtaine!

Report from America – a nation on the horns of a dilemma!

Report from America – a nation on the horns of a dilemma!


If you're a Democrat, the presidential debate that took place on June 27 was an absolute nightmare. Biden was unsteady on his feet as he walked out on stage before the debate, in contrast to Trump. That was a bad prediction for what was to come. Biden spoke in a weak, boring and monotonous voice. He became confused from time to time as he tried to recall details. Sometimes, one word came out when another word was intended. For example, he said trillionaires when he should have said billionaires. At other times, he lost the thread of his thoughts entirely, and at the same time seemed to be confused. For example, when he was criticizing Trump for his contribution to the national debt, this is what Biden said: “We're able to make every single person … eligible for everything that I've been able to do with him the, uh, with — with the Covid, uh excuse me, with, dealing with, everything we have to do, uh … see … if … we finally won Medicare.”

Trump promptly responded with a grin from ear to ear: “Well, he's right, he beat Medicare. He beat it to death.”

Trump told us his bag of lies during the debate, and Biden couldn't convincingly disprove the myths at all. For example, Trump blamed Nancy Pelosi for the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. He said that Biden would raise taxes fourfold, that he would kill children after they were born, and that the economy was the strongest ever during the Trump regime. He said that 18,19 or even 20 million immigrants were taking "Black jobs" and "Hispanic jobs" and that things willo be the worst ever seen under a Biden presidency.

Biden was on the defensive most of the time, and only attacked Trump a few times. For example, he said that Trump was convicted on charges related to his close relationship with porn star Stormy Daniels, and that Trump had 'the morals of an alley cat'.

As heated as the debate was at first, things got worse with each passing minute. As it approaches the end of the debate, they were arguing about who is the better golfer, instead of discussing the big problems regarding their plans at home and abroad. And finally we saw them calling each other names: "Let's not behave like children," Trump told Biden. "You're a child," Biden replied. That is an accurate reflection of the debate, unfortunately.


I can't say anything positive about the debate itself, it was so bad. There was nothing substantial to learn from the presidential candidates regarding their policies, that we didn't already know. But I did learn a few interesting things about Biden and Trump, though.


It was the worst decision of all for Biden to join the debate. There is no doubt about that. He was in no condition to be on that stage at all. Maybe Biden didn't recognize that, because he wasn't thinking clearly. But didn't his handlers or even his wife see that there was something wrong with him – something worse than a cold - seriously? It also looks like President Biden has had some kind of problem for some time; perhaps a problem that is getting worse over time.

Biden has done a lot in his first term, and the economy is currently strong in the country. But he couldn't convincingly tell us the list of their main achievements. Nor has he informed us of what he intends to do if re-elected.


Trump was lying through his teeth as usual - telling lies in detail and often. He had a big platform to spread his crap, and he didn't miss an opportunity to do it. He also gave Biden a jab or two, but Biden did that job on his own, really. Trump played a smart game, and had a big win against Biden, on the day.

Conclusion agus Moladh

A few things were very clear to me after the debate. The presidential candidates are just, well, leaders who are nothing but figureheads. But behind them, there are powerful and frightening political machines (Republicans and Democrats) operating against each other, with very different agendas. The Republicans believe that the only way for them to maintain their power in the future is to change the rules to their own benefit. They would not have the upper hand in a democratic political system, so they would change to an authoritarian system, with a dictator in charge with power equal to a king/queen. Forget the separation of church and state, as the philosophy and morality of Christian Fundamentalism would be the guiding principles of government. Also, a sectarian, malignant, racist philosophy would be contributing in. In short, the United States of America would be like the 'Republic of Gilead', the dystopian country invented by Margaret Atwood in her novel 'The Handmaid's Tale'.

Democrats would want to maintain the democratic political system and preserve and expand the freedom and rights of citizens, regardless of skin color, gender, religion or ethnicity. Wealthy people and companies would have to pay their share of taxes. The government would be obliged to provide social security services and public health services.

The Democrats did us no favors when they gave their full support to Joe Biden. They knew that there were major problems with that decision, and instead of preparing another candidate for the job, they continued despite their opinions on the matter. They upset the fans of their party, including me. In my opinion, the best thing Joe Biden could do now is to withdraw from the race soon - but the chance of that is small.

My suggestion to voters in the presidential election? Don't bother with anything else but cast your vote for Biden if you prefer a democratic country, or for Trump if you prefer a country like the 'Republic of Gilead'. It's that simple!

